Old Man Advice

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Wilbur POV

  I boot up my computer, the sleepy infant in my lap after a meal(and some spit-up on the stairs). Once it's ready I prop Aurora up on my lap and she grunts lightly from the movement.

 Chuckling at her noise, I open Discord and call Phil, slightly bouncing my leg at what the man would say at the sudden baby. Luckily, I hear a tired groan from the other end of the call.

  " What do you want mate?" He asks, obviously annoyed at the 3:30 at night call.

" Did I wake you Phil?" I ask, slightly forgetting this was an urgent matter.

 He laughs," No- no, you didn't I was just up editing, are you good Will?" He asks.

 I sigh," Phil, my friend, how do you care for a child?" I ask, lifting Rora up more in order to be visible against the camera.

 Phil sat up straight, eyes staring straight at the camera," Excuse me Will, but what did you say? And what the hell is that!"

 I cover her ears," Phil! No cursing in front of my child!" I scoff, hoping he'd realize I was being dead serious.

 He looks around for a moment, as if looking for any hidden cameras," Where did you get a kid?" he asks," Did you steal it?"

I burst into laughter, trying to hold Rora still," No Phil! Apparently my Ex was pregnant when I left and I found my daughter on my porch. I have dubbed thee," I hold her up like Simba," Aurora Vienna!" I say, smiling as I pull her back down onto my lap for sleep.

 He nods slowly," Alright Will, well, first things first buy what you need. A car seat, crib, toys, food, clothes, a room. Then come to me, I'm sure Kristin and I can help you." He says.

I smile and nod," Thanks Phil." I say smiling.

We talk for a bit and I end the call and look down at Aurora, witnessing the problem of where I want her to sleep.

After a good five minutes of thinking I decide to lay her next to me as I try to sleep and get ready for the big day ahead of us.

Perfume - Wilbur Soot X Child OCWhere stories live. Discover now