Chapter 1: How can I, when I'm sure I'm failing Maths?

Comenzar desde el principio

"You will not fail it," Susannah assures her. "C'mon let's go. It's late."

School was already over; the four of us were just hanging around in our locker room talking.

"Let's." I say and start leading the way outside. The four of us come and leave the school together, or in the same ride. Today Violet's Dad was going to pick all up.

As we were going down the stairs which lead to the driveway, someone from behind us shouted, "Nichole?"

I turned around and saw that it was Tim, one of our dance squad members. "Yes, Tim."

"The principal wants to meet with you," he shouted at us, though he was really close. "Right now."

I looked at my friends with wide eyes and saw that they were mirroring my expression.

"C'mon, what are you waiting for?" he sounded irritated.

"Go, it will be alright. We will be waiting for you by Su's dad's car, okay?" Violet whispered to me.

I just nodded at her and went the way Tim just went. As I was climbing the stairs which lead to the principal's office, all kinds of reasons why I was called went through my head.

"Stop fidgeting, it's alright," Tim said as we were entering the office. I looked at him, and nodded.

Our principal herself was a stern lady. But she is also one of those who will never scold you, unless it was genuinely your fault. She was fond of cats and loved the color pink. Today she was wearing a pink pencil skirt and a white shirt. On first glance, you will probably be reminded of Umbridge from Harry Potter, but she was nothing like that.

"Ah, Tim, I see you have brought Miss Nichole. Now your duty here is finished. Thank you, dear," she said in a sweet voice. "Why, take a seat Miss Nichole." I do as I am told. "So you see, Miss Nichole, you remember that dance audition you gave last month?"

I had completely forgotten about that. Last month I auditioned to be able to represent my school in dance in the interschool showcase. I have been auditioning for this the last three years, but sadly I have never been selected. In this showcase, three pairs of people are selected from different parts of Bradford for every category of creativity chosen. All of them prepare a showcase and present it in March in front of a lot of important people. If these important people really liked someone's work, then they were awarded a scholarship. But in the fifteen years only one person has ever received scholarship, so you get how difficult it is. There are far better dancers than I am, so I just gave up hope. But now when Mrs. Dean said it, I remembered it as clear as crystal. To her question, I gave a little nod.

"So, Miss Nichole, you have been chosen to represent our school along with another student, a freshman from the high school branch." When she finished the sentence I was jumping for joy in my seat. "So congratulations! You are going to head over to the high school tomorrow with me after all your classes and work out a schedule of practice with whoever it is chosen from that side. We need the best you can offer, okay?" I nodded. "Then, I will meet you tomorrow right in my office after you finish classes, understood?" I nodded again. "Now get gong, your friends must be waiting for you."

I stood up and with a simple "Thank you" to her left the room.


After leaving the room, I literally ran to the car. All three of them were waiting for me along with Su's dad. When they saw me running, they all came to me. I was breathing heavy by the time I stopped.

"Whoa girl, what happened?" Violet said, looking me from head to toe.

"I got it!" I shouted at them.

"Got what?" Su looked confused.

"Oh my god, you got it! I said you would! Congratulations!" Rachael said.

"We are proud of you, Nichole," Su's dad said.

"Thank you, Mr. Wade," I said to him.

"C'mon, we need to give this good news to her parents. Get in the car, kids." And we being the dutiful children that we were, got in the car. Through the whole ride I explained how everything was supposed to go and what I was supposed to do.



Hey, pretty long chapter? I'm proud of this one. And how was the title? You have to agree that the title made you laugh, though. It has, too. Ok maybe not.

So, yeah, please vote and comment it you liked it. I'll probably update again nest week. And after that I don't know when I'm going to update. My school opens on Thursday and I'm really scared for that, so I don't know.

Ok, I hope you enjoyed it and let me know what you think.

Dedicated to @KenYourButtNot

There is also a banner of Nick (who is played by Steven McQueen attached to this, made by me!

Fun Fact:I wrote it on Monday but waited out to post it.

Suggestion: Listen to Nightingale by Demi Lavota its perfect.

Signing Off


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