Chapter 41/ Tubbo yelling at Tommy

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Original tw for the chapter: Mention of Suicide, overdose, abuse, rape

Tw for this chapter: past suicide + past suicide attempts

Original scene: Tubbo screams at Tommy for running away, saying they thought they lost him like they lost Liam. He then yells at Tommy that they thought they lost him like he lost his mom. Tubbo then storms out.

"You can't leave like that Tommy. We thought you were dead." Tubbo hissed and Tommy felt his heart drop. Tubbo was almost never mad like that. Tubbo was very scary when he got mad.

"Tubbo I'm sorry" Tommy said, not meeting his eyes. He was ashamed to meet the eyes of his best friend. He knew Tubbo was angry and disappointed. And he did have every reason to be.

"You're fucking sorry! Tommy we thought you died! We thought we lost you like we did Liam! Jesus fuck Tommy I can't do that again!" Tubbo screamed, standing up from where he was on the couch.

"That's not what I wanted to happen. It's not like I'm trying to make you panic." Tommy told him.

"Okay but that's what keeps happening! You can't expect us to come after you every-time you run off! And we can't keep doing that! If we keep doing that then we'll run ourselves tired and we won't come when you need it most!" Tubbo yells.

"I don't ask you to come! I don't ask you to start a search party every time I leave the fucking house! Just because I fucking leave doesn't mean I'm asking you anything!" Tommy yells back and Tubbo steps forward, walking until he was less than a foot away from Tommy.

"But we have to! We have to so we can make sure you don't fucking off yourself like Liam did, or like your mom did!" Tubbo snarls and everyone felt their hearts drop.

Tommy had talked about his mom in group, when it was just Tubbo, Ranboo and Niki there. So hearing this shocked Techno, Wilbur and Phil. Tommy didn't really like talking about his mom with them.

"Don't you fucking talk about her like that. Don't fucking tell me what fucking happened to her. You don't fucking know what really happened." Tommy snaps, taking steps back away from Tubbo.

"She killed herself, you said it yourself. She died from a drug over dose. That doesn't happen by accident when you have a 3 year old kid." Tubbo snaps.

"Okay but it's not my fucking fault! I wasn't some shit ass 3 year old Tubbo, I was a child!" Tommy screams at him and Tubbo rolls his eyes.

"Then why did she fucking do it? Huh! Ever fucking think of that Tommy? Ever fucking think why she did that?" Tubbo snaps at him, staring him down. No one else in the room dared to move.

"Yes! Every fucking day! I wonder why every fucking day when my god damn mother fucking killed herself! I wonder where I went wrong and why my mom just decided to off herself!" Tommy screams at him. Why was Tubbo pushing this.

"So you understand that you might be at fault for this? If you're wondering where you went wrong then you understand you took part in the reason why." Tubbo snarls, he wasn't screaming anymore, but Tommy was.

"Oh jesus fucking Christ Tubbo it's like you want me to kill myself like she did! You are pushing this to the point where I wish I fucking died! I wish I just jumped off that bridge that night before letting you pull me back over!" Tommy screams and Tubbo breaks.

"What?" Tubbo asks, dropping all anger and tears welling in his eyes.

"No you don't get to fucking cry! You don't get to act like you're all hurt!" Tommy continues to scream, tears welling up in his own eyes.

"Tommy you just said you wished you jumped off that bridge." Ranboo says softly, the first to speak up. Tommy turns to look at him.

"I know what I fucking said! I know what I fucking said and I know what Tubbo fucking said and I know that I'm the reason why my mother died like Tubbo said! I fucking know I'm a screw up and I fucking know that deep down I'm always just going to be a suicidal piece of shit!" Tommy screams at Ranboo. Ranboo cowers slightly.

"Tommy, no wait, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, I was just angry." Tubbo says quickly as the tears begin to fall from his eyes.

"Stop fucking crying! You don't get to scream at me like that and fucking cry!" Tommy screamed, though tears were running down his face.

"You just said you wished you jumped off the bridge instead of me saving you." Tubbo says, his voice wavering.

"And you fucking said that you can't keep coming after me! So don't! Let me die! You should have let me die the first time! I wish you let me die the first time!" Tommy screams at him and Tubbo lets out a sob.

"Tommy no I didn't mean it and I want you here. I dragged you back over the side because we need you here." Tubbo sobs but Tommy shakes his head as he drags his hands over his face to wipe the tears away.

"You don't need me here you want to have some god damn savior complex then cry about it. You want to feel good about yourself and feeling okay that you saved so many broken people when they didn't want to be saved. I wish you would have let me die so we wouldn't fucking be here, I wouldn't fucking be here. Next time you see me hanging over the side of the bridge don't fucking try and pull me over." Tommy says, no longer screaming.

"Tommy we're not going to do that." Wilbur said, also speaking up for the first time.

"I'm not asking you I'm telling you." Tommy snaps.

Word count: 1000

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