─── ⚝𓄹٠٘ xxviii. 𝗆𝖺𝗇𝗂𝖺𝖼 𝗊𝗎𝗂𝖽𝖽𝗂𝗍𝖼𝗁 𝖼𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖺𝗂𝗇

Start from the beginning

"7 laps?!" The students that were trying out for beaters groaned.

"He's gone mad." Sirius yawns and Stella could only nod.

"Those who are trying out for chasers, we only need one spot since Gould has already graduated, you'll be running and flying 10 laps with me everyday and try to avoid the bludgers that we'll send your way." James happily explained, enjoying the tired look on everyone's face as he sat down to eat breakfast.

"If looks could kill, I'd already be 6 feet under." James stated as he looked at Stella.

"You're self-aware. Good for you." Stella spat. She's still pissed that he dragged her out of bed at the crack of dawn and threw her Quidditch jumper at her.

"Eat a lot!" James, once again shouted. "We'll be running our try-outs today!"

"But I thought it's on Wednesday?" McLaggen asks. "It's only Saturday."

All heads turned to look at him. "I change my mind, it's happening. Today."

Everyone groaned at their Quidditch captain and if possible, Stella glared even harder than before.

James was smiling in accomplish as Stella watch him butter his toast. "You know, you look cute when you're angry."

Sirius stopped conversing with a Hufflepuff girl passing by. Did James just openly said that to Stella?

"You look ridiculously arrogant in your Quidditch captain badge." Stella rolled her eyes at him. She was about to grab a piece of bread but James beat her to it.

"Eat up. You'll be running tons of laps later along with the others." He winked, giving her his buttered toast.

"You're a maniac Quidditch captain, James Potter." Stella rolled her eyes but willingly ate James' buttered toast, and he watched in elation as she did so.

"Jamesie." Sirius called and pouted. "Butter my toast too?"


"Is that what you call a chaser?! Even a bloody niffler can catch a quaffle better than you if it was shiny!"

"You're trying out for beater! not some professional snowball thrower!"

"Of course the bludger will knock you out! It's not a bloody pygmy puff that you catch and snuggle!"

Those statements and countless others were said by the new Quidditch captain, James Potter.

"That's kind of-" Peter started off.

"Harsh?" Sirius suggested.

"Rude?" Stella continued.

"Out of line?" Sirius asked.

"Offensive?" Stella inquired.

"I think all of the above." Remus snickered, passing his dark chocolate to Stella.

"Thanks, Rem." Stella took a big bite from the chocolate. "That arse is draining all my energy." She pointed at James.

Sirius and Stella had taken a break from taking atleast 15 laps around the enormous field.

"He's bloody mad. I'm telling you." Sirius says with a concerned face as he watched his bestfriend shout to those who were on try-outs.

One student that was trying out for chaser mounted off his broom. "Why isn't she trying out for her position?"

Though James was younger than Nash Carson, the 6th year who was trying out for chaser, James towered over him.

"Why would she?" James retorted, feeling over-protective when Carson brought Stella up.

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