Where is Vekar

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Emperor Mavro's heart ached and he knew that he still loves Vekar and doesn't favourite Vrak over him and wondered if he was ok.

Vrak- Father where has Vekar gone? Is he alright?

Emperor Mavro- I don't know, I'm gonna go find him and talk to him.

When the Emperor looked around for his older son he couldn't find him so he looked in Vekar's room and the room was empty.

Emperor Mavro- Vekar?! Where are you?! He can't have...... run away? Oh no what have I said?! I must've gone too far.

The Emperor went back to the command room to find Vrak looking worried.

Vrak- Did you find him father?

Emperor Mavro- No...... where is he?! We have to find him and bring him home, Vrak go tell everyone that Vekar is missing and we are going to have a search party!

Vrak- Yes father!

When Vrak had told everyone what happened to Vekar and what is happening the search party began and the ship started to search every planet in space, first up was Jupiter so they landed on the ground and everyone got out and started looking.

Emperor Mavro- Vekar! Are you here? If you are please call out!

But no one replied but the Armada didn't stop looking around so they kept looking but Vekar wasn't anywhere.

Argus- Sorry Emperor, Vekar is not here

Emperor Mavro- Thanks for telling me Argus, everyone back on the ship and let's go to the next planet

Everyone got back on board and the ship took off and left Jupiter and then Vrak said.

Vrak- What if he went to Earth and the rangers captured him?! Should I go and deal with them?

Emperor Mavro- Yes but take some X Borgs with you!

Vrak- Understood

A few hours later the rangers destroyed Vrak and X Borgs with their final strike and the rangers cheered. But the Emperor Mavro wasn't impressed!

Emperor Mavro- That fool!!! All he wanted was to fight the rangers not go find out if the rangers have captured his brother. Now he has been destroyed but we have to keep searching for Vekar!

Levira- Your majesty, Vekar could be anywhere in space and there are loads more planets to search how are we gonna find him?

Emperor Mavro- I don't know Levira but we mustn't give up! Let's keep looking! Vekar we're coming son!"

Back on the planet with no name Vekar was in mega pain and it was unbearable to cope with much longer and he was shaking as well, he started to miss his father and his brother, even though he and Vrak don't get along still care about each other in their hearts. But what Vekar didn't know is that Vrak has been destroyed by the rangers.

Vekar- h- help! father! please help me!

Vekar's arm and leg hurt badly and when he tried to stand up he fell back down and felt sick and dizzy.

Vekar- oooooooooooowwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!

Vekar screamed but no one heard him scream and he really wanted his father to come and rescue him with some medical droids to put him on a stretcher and carry him back to the ship.

Back on the ship the search wasn't going too well every planet the Armada searched Vekar wasn't anywhere, Emperor Mavro was getting very worried!

Emperor Mavro- Where is he?! We have searched everywhere and we haven't found my son?! Vekar where are you?

Damaras- Sire, what if we never find him?

Emperor Mavro- Damaras we will find him don't worry!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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