Chapter 1: A Task To Be Asked

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Race's POV:

He couldn't get that girl out of his mind sure she was pretty tough and and was also in a few fights he had witnessed throughout the strike but besides all the things she was in he still needed to find her he just needed to find a way of his own without speculation or even getting caught by the others today was just another day for him the strike didn't really change much except all the boys getting hurt by The Delancey Brothers "Race!" shouted his best friend Albert he looks over shaking himself out of that visionary of that mystery girl he saw during that weird rumble "Come on inside Jack needs to talk with you!" His friend yelled again, sighing Race walked inside Jack's 'penthouse' he shut the door setting down his newspaper satchel "Yes, Jack? Whats' youse wanna talk about?" He asked his 'leader' Jack sighed he circled Race like a hawk clearly that's never happened before "Listen Racetrack, I unda' stands that youse don't wanna do dis or anything likes dat." His leader started off Race looked at his leader completely baffled by how he was speaking "Jack whatcha's tryna says ta me?" He asks as he started to light his cigar "Well Race, I want you to run an errand for me." Jack started Race shrugged his shoulders after he lit his cigar "What is that Jack?" He asks as he took in a breath "I need ya ta go ta Brooklyn." His leader stated upon hearing those words he coughed taking his cigar out of his mouth he was a wheezing mess "B-Brooklyn?! You gots ta be serious Jack!" He

shouted "C'mon Race, I know that Those Brooklyn lads don't like us very much but I just need ya ta talk ta Spo-" "I am nots talkin' ta Spot Conlon, Kelly! That's too far!" Race yells at him "Race listen!" Jack says Race took in a drag of his cigar trying to calm down "No Jack I don't wants'ta do some stupid task fo' ya, let alone speaking to the King of Brooklyn and his boys!" Race yelled getting defensive again taking another drag from his cigar he heard a little echo of Crutchie's crutch "What's happenin' youse two?" He asks he turns to his little friend "Jack's thinkin' 'bout sendin' me ta speak wit da short but extremely tough King of Brooklyn!" He yells "Ay, ay, Race no need ta gets angry or defensive aight?" Crutchie says to him Race sighs "Ya know what I'm gonna heads down to da pub and forget about what's youse asked of me." He says pointing at his leader "C'mon Race be reasonable!" Davey said walking out from a corner "Where'd youse come from Davey?" Race asked his tall, very smart, friend "Just backs there with Les' listenin' in on youse conversation." He replies "Well foyget it guys I'm not going to Brooklyn ta speak ta Spot Conlon that's final!" Race shouted his angry voice echoed throughout the 'penthouse' as he headed to the door "I'll buy youse all the oysters youse want!" His leader kindly compromised Race turned around "Youse not kiddin' 'bout the ersters?" He asks inquisitively still smoking his cigar slowly blowing out the smoke "Not kiddin' 'bout the oysters Race." Jack replied Race sighs quietly, pondering then he

looks at his leader then at the door "If youse get me those ersters can I get Katherine?" Race asked jokingly "O'course not Race, she's mine and youse know it!" His leader says defensively Race laughed "I'm kiddin' Jack." He says "So if you goes to Brooklyn and talk to Spot about joining the strike then I'll leave you alone about this for a while and I'll give youse all the oysters you want." His leader says he nods at him he relights his cigar putting it back into his mouth Jack extended his hand out to his friend "Whadaya say Race? Will ya do dat task fo' me?" He asked Race sighs annoyed realizing he has no choice he shook his hand "Fine I'll do it." He replied "There ya go Race." Davey says smiling "Yeah, yeah I'll see youse losers lata." Race said blowing the cigar smoke out into the air "Bye Race sees ya in a bit and be careful crossin' dat bridge!" Yelled Jack as he trudged out of the penthouse walking onto the gravel pavement in the busy city of Manhattan New York sighing and slowly panicking as he continued on his way to Brooklyn preparing himself to face the one and only the King of Brooklyn Spot Conlon Race started to feel something in his gut that did not feel normal to him, could be that he's smoking too early, or maybe he didn't have any breakfast, or maybe he's just freaking out way too much and not really calming down and getting better, he sighs taking a big drag from his cigar he looks up at the clear sky he sighed heavier, then he stopped in his tracks as he saw the big Brooklyn bridge that connected his home with his enemies.

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