14: X-Pertise

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"Sandwiches...and salads?" Wally was missing the point.

"You know, whatever," Shine said. "We'll figure out what to do with it if we have extras, I guess."

"I might need to ask someone to go grocery shopping..." Jean muttered.

* * *

Jubilee actually was happy to do this, and she dragged Logan into it with her. She had to have a car.

Storm tagged along. She seemed to want to get out of the house.

"This reminds me of Christmas all over again," Jubilee said. "Jean said we need bread...and eggs...and milk...and butter--"

"Don't read the whole list, kid. That's why we have a list!" Logan interrupted.

"Miss Likstar said she wants me to find a bookstore," Jubilee said. "She wants to know where one is.... I don't know if there's one at the mall."

"No, but I'm sure there's one close," Storm said. "I can look for one--but why?"

"I don't know. She just said she needed to find somewhere to order a lot of books in bulk, and that the internet wasn't advanced enough yet for her to use Amazon," Jubilee said. "And I have no idea what she meant by that."

"Future talk," Logan said. "Best not to ask."

He was slowly just getting used to that idea.

"Well, Logan, either you look for the bookstore, or you go to the grocer's," Storm said.

"Out of those options? Food or dusty, old stacks of paper?" Logan said.

"I do have a lot of things..." Jubilee said.

"I'll look for the bookstore," Logan said.

Jubilee pouted but then shrugged. "I'm getting candy while I'm here too. And gum, so whatever." She walked away.

Logan sullenly followed Storm down the street.

"I don't know how she'd pay for books even if she ordered them," Storm muttered. "But it does bring to mind--if they are staying here for a long time should we give them some allowance?"

"For what?" Logan grumbled.

"Well, two grown people are going to want to be able to shop," Storm said.

"Then they can get a job," Logan said.

"I suppose, but if they spend a lot of time trying to help us, and the Morlocks now too, can they be expected to work also?" Storm said. "And how would they get to work without a car? We live in the country."

"Didn't stop 'em before," Logan said. "They can sort it out if they want."

"I suppose," Storm said. "At least this is a nice gesture...though the Morlocks may not see it that way. I don't know how to tell Miss Likstar that they are still proud."

"Not proud enough not to rob an ambulance and steal food," Logan said. "They won't say no, even if they don't like it." He frowned.

"You think it's wrong?" Storm asked.

"No," Logan said. "I think...actually they're doing the right thing, for once."

"What?" Storm had some reason to be stunned.

"It's one thing to say ya want to help someone," Logan said. "But to just use words and ignore them living' in squalor, because it's not your problem--I've seen it before."

Storm was silent for a moment before saying, "Is this directed at me?"

Logan hadn't even been thinking of that.

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