Chapter 6: A bone chilling scream

Start from the beginning

Mustering my courage, I prodded the figure with my foot. Apart from the dull thud of leather against metal, nothing happened. My brain swirled with possibilities. It was obvious enough that this was some type of machine, but why did it look like a Minecraft character? Why did it look like my Minecraft character? My mind churned on the queries.


Struggling, I rolled the heavy iron mech over so that it lay face up. There were hardly any differences, apart from the eyes. I had expected cameras, I was very wrong. Holes, rimmed with a static purple lightening, sat inlaid in each slot. As I leaned forwards and peered through the ominous voids, a few of my questions were answered.

On the other side, I could see my room. The same old boring white walls and the same old ceiling. The hybrid lay in wait, watching me through the monitor. I shied away from the sight and sat on the soft grass that covered the ground.


It wasn't a game… Every player was controlling a robot like this one. In a real world. But why!? I yelled at my own consciousness. Nothing made sense! Why were there so many mysteries within mysteries!? Every one that I answered just created dozens more…

I lay down in defeat. There was no point trying to understand. It was a puzzle missing the corner pieces.

The wind still thrashed against my skin, unforgiving. I suppose it might be a good idea to find some shelter. I groaned. If this was Minecraft that meant that my house was out there somewhere. How convenient that I had gotten horribly lost while exploring. There was no point wasting time trying to find it. It might have been possible to recognise land marks while they were still blocky and pixelated, but now that they were so realistic…

I sighed and stood up. I suppose the forests might be a good place to start.

Of course I tried it, anybody would have. But apparently punching trees accomplished only two things. Hurting yourself, and looking like an absolute idiot. Furthermore, it did nothing but confirm the fact that this world's physics were no different from Earth's. Still, the things I had learnt from playing the game previously might come in handy. I never aced my design tech class, but I knew enough to manage tearing off a few branches and constructing a crude wooden axe.

I smiled at what I had accomplished. It was small, but it proved that I might actually have a chance. The smile slowly faded as I realised how much effort it took to fell the giant oaken beasts. As the sun reached mid-day I had only managed to bring five trunks to the ground. After that, I had to strip them into manageable planks which cost me even more time.

The once comforting blue sky began to descend into a spectrum of different colours. Yellow, orange, red… I didn't have much time. After all, the last thing I wanted was to be outside at night. The existence of Endermen confirmed the existence of all the other mobs and there was no hurry to meet them. I looked around for options… The mountains in the distance undoubtedly hid many caves, but there wouldn't be enough time to travel there, let alone secure a safe area. The grasslands were far too open to even consider spending the night in. The forest seemed to be the best bet, if I could scale one of the trees, I might survive the night… Might.

Taking a few steps back, I steadied myself before running at the nearest tree. Aiming for one of the lowest branches, I planted my foot on the rough bark and jumped upwards. Grimacing as my hands clasped around the branch, my legs swinging haphazardly beneath me. I had only just made it, it was reckless, if I injured myself here I would probably end up dea-

The thin branch creaked and splintered, pausing only a moment to let me realise what was happening. Well shit. A loud crack echoed through the surroundings as I began to fall. I managed to curl into a ball before I hit the unforgiving dirt. A jolt of pain broke through my nerves, making me squirm and writhe on the cold hard ground.

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