Chapter 5 The Club

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Striker and Blitz walk in the club and see people drinking,dancing,having sex,even playing spin the bottle
"Damn, this place is packed."•Striker
"Ya come on, follow me."•Blitz
Blitz grabs Striker's hand and runs to a latter that leads to the roof
"Why up there?"•Striker
"Because I need to talk to you in private."•Blitz
"Tell me here."•Striker
"No, on the damn roof."•Blitz
Blitz gives Striker a strong death stare
"O-ok ok!"•Striker
They go up the latter and go on to the roof
"Its pretty up here."•Striker
"Ya I guess."•Blitz
"Whats your problem?"•Striker
"Nothing, but I do need to ask you something."•Blitz
"What is it?"•Striker
"It's about us, our relationship.."•Blitz
Oh, uhh.."•Striker
Blitz looks at Striker and hugs him
"Do you love me..?"•Blitz
"Of course I do.."•Striker
"Ya, I will love you forever..."•Striker
"Probably not forever but I will take that.."•Blitz
"So? Why don't we get back down there and have some fucking fun?!"•Striker
"Heh, I guess."•Blitz
Striker grabs Blitz by the hand and go's back down to the club
"I am going to go get some drinks, stay here."•Striker
Striker walks off to the bar and Blitz sits on a bench and sees a drunk lady walking over to him
"HiIi! WhAtS a CuTe LiL iMp DoInG hErE?"•Lady
"I-uhh..I should go..-"•Blitz
Blitz gets up and tries to walk away and the girl blocks him
"I'm NoT dOnE yEt."•Lady
"Pls go away."•Blitz
The Lady grabs Blitz by the shoulders and gets close to his face
"I-get off me!"•Blitz
"KiSs Me!"•Lady
The Lady walks off and Striker walks up to Blitz
"Only guys huh? Your pan B -.-"•Striker
"I had to come up with something! She would have kissed me!"•Blitz
Striker and Blitz hear the club door open and there were these robbers? Or just some gang
Striker grabs Blitz and runs to a room and locks the door
"T-there, were ok in here."•Striker
"How are they?!.."•Blitz
"Some guys I know, Ceil and his gang trying to look for me."•Striker
"Why you?"•Blitz
"Because I have to give something to them. But, I don't have it."•Striker
"Oh, well..why hide me?"•Blitz
"Because I don't want yout hurt."•Striker
Striker and Blitz hear gun shots and screaming
Blitz hides in the bathroom and locks the door, Striker puts a chair on the handle of the door
"Sir! I can't open this door!"•???
"Then Striker is in there."•Ceil
"Kick it down then."•Ceil
"Yes sir!"•Flash
Flash starts to kick the door and Striker hides under a bed and the door falls down with the chair
"I got it sir!"•Flash
"I-omg omg omg omg.."•Blitz
"Start looking around."•Ceil
Flash looks everywhere and then sees the bathroom and tries to open it
"I-oh no.."•Blitz
"Open upp!~"•Flash
"FUCK NO."•Blitz
"Wait, are you Striker?"•Flash
"Do you know where he is?"•Flash
"Sir! Can we just take him?!"•Flash
"I guess."•Ceil
"HELL NO!"•Blitz
Flash breaks the door handle to the bathroom and Blitz and hides in the shower
"Come on! Don't make this hard."•Flash
"GO AWAY!"•Blitz
Flash opens the shower and grabs Blitz
"LET ME GO!"•Blitz
"He can't help you."•Ceil
Flash brings Blitz outside and Flash throws Blitz in a van
"Shut up."•Flash
"Fuck you..!"•Blitz
Flash shuts door and gets in front with Ceil
"Did you lock the door."•Ceil
"Yes sir."•Flash
Well Ceil and Flash are up front the van door opens and Blitz sees Striker
"C-come on!"•Striker
"Fuck you.."•Blitz
"L-look I am sorry I didn't help you!"•Striker
"Striker, I thought I was about to die!"•Blitz
"Ik I am sorry.."•Striker
As Blitz was about to get out Ceil pushes Striker in the van and shuts the door
"Damn it."•Striker
"'s not your fault!"•Striker
"I guess.."•Blitz
Striker grabs Blitz and puts Blitz on his lap
"You ok..?"•Striker
"Just tired..."•Blitz
"Go to sleep then."•Striker
"Are you sure..?"•Blitz
Blitz goes to sleep and Striker falls asleep to

To be continue.

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