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(now hear me out I gave Félix a chapter because I feel like he is very underrated and I find him hot so yeah)

Felix and pepa had just gone through a divorce and you and Felix have been friends since elementary school, you had a crush on him since then to see him get married to someone else who is also your best friend kind of hurt especially because Pepa knew that you liked him but you didn't say anything as long as your best friend was satisfied and happy so when I found out They got divorced I didn't know how to feel I was happy but it felt wrong to celebrate whenever you saw Pepa and Felix together they were always happy and madly in love you'll never see them upset or angry with the each other especially when they talk about their wedding day and I didn't want to celebrate because I'm best friends with her kids and it would be wrong for me to be happy and besides Felix doesn't have any feelings for me right?

{~ at the Madrigals house~}

I was hanging out with Dolores and who was 12 and Camilo who was 6 we were playing house with their Toys while pepa and Felix were on their way home after getting their divorce papers they Felix went into their room and went to pack his stuff I followed behind him "hey Felix" the sighed "hola Y/N" I sighed and then sat on his bed and put my hand on his cheek "look as a friend I can always help you and talk to you if you ever need it okay? I mean it you mean a lot to me Felix you really do..." then Felix smiled and held my hand that was on his cheek "thank you so much y/n I'm glad you care for me so much-" I smiled and nodded

Pepa and Felix got a divorce because of something so small and stupid honestly pepa needs to control her emotions yeah I get it, it's nasty and dumb when boys accidentally pee on the toilet seat and don't always listen to you but he's a dad at the same time he has to make sure his kids are alright as well...I felt bad because not all of it was his fault...

Pepa bursted into the door "ay! Are you done yet?! I'm trying to get you out of here- oh so as soon as we divorce you go talk to Y/N? Just because I told you that she's liked you longer than me? I don't think she should go out with you bc your a man whore-" she rolled her eyes and walked over slammed Felix's luggage and pushed it down the stairs my eyes widened "PEPA?! Jesus fucking Christ- I'll help you take your stuff to the car..." then he nodded and thanked me I walked downstairs with him and took his stuff to the car "so where are you staying?" I asked as I put his bags up "honestly I'm not sure-" he chuckled "probably I'm gonna sleep in my car" he sighed and put in the last bag, he smiled and looked at me "why don't you move in with me until you can pick yourself back up?" I smile a bit then he sighed and scratched the back of his head "mmm I don't know...thanks for the idea Mi amor" he grabbed me by the chin and kissed my cheek and and sighed then let go "I'm gonna head out "bye" I was stuck in shock "b-bye..." I left and I smiled a bit "f-Felix just called me his love" my heart fluttered I squealed and jumped up for joy

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