Chapter 1: A Legend's Return

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Y/n pov:

It's been a few years after my resignment from being SABER's leader with Saruhiko-chan being my successor. I recently heard the Gang's disbandment after the 4th generation leader left. I was quite saddened about it, but nothing last forever. The most important thing was I spent almost my entire teenage life with people who care about me.

Even though I wasn't a Gang leader anymore, gang members from various different gangs visited my home to pay respect. Even Shinichiro Sano comes to visit which made us close friends as well as his old gang members and his family as well.

I was now currently as I was walking back home from buying some snacks to stock my fridge.

Whilw I was walking back I notice a few familiar faces. It was Mikey, Draken and Baji. As well as his other gang founders.

Y/n:"Mikey-chan~ how are you doing?" I asked him as they all look at me

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Y/n:"Mikey-chan~ how are you doing?" I asked him as they all look at me.

Mikey:"Y/n-san!" He said as he dives and hugs to me.

Y/n:"Woah! Easy there, I'll drop my snacks now." I said as he looks up with wides eyes.

Mikey:"Snacks!?" He yelled happy.

Y/n:"....Want some?" I asked.

Mikey:"Of course!" He answered.

I then give a chocolate 6 chocolate bars for him and his friend as we all eat one. While eating, the purple haired boy approached me.

???:"Hey, are you the one that Mikey said? Who used to be a one man army?" He asked me.

Y/n:"Wow, he's starting calling me that?" I said as I just sigh. "Yeah, that's me. The name's Y/n L/n, former leader of SABER." I said as the his gang members look at me with wide eyes except Baji, Draken and Mikey.

Toman(M,D,B):"You're the Immortal!?" They yelled in surprise.

Y/n:"Wow, new nickname, I don't hate it at all." I said to myself. "Yup, that's me. Anyway, what are you guys doing out here?" I asked them.

Draken:"Just a little ride by the shore." He answered.

Y/n:"Little air huh? I get it, I get it." I said to them.

Baji:"Y/n-san! Fight me!" He yelled as Draken holds him back.

Y/n:"Hahaha, maybe when you've gotten better." I said as he looks pissed. "Well, I gotta get going, my little sister's gonna be more worried." I said as I start walking away.

The Legendary Leader (Ex-Gang Leader Y/n x Tokyo Revengers)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu