Aimicdeku Part 3

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Izuku: Okay

Me: After that conversation

Me: When they reached Izuku's dorm

Izuku: The door is unlocked come in " says as he's cooking food "

Aizawa and Mic: "Walks in behind Izuku"

Aizawa and Mic: Hi Izu

Izuku: "Looks behind him"

Izuku: Hi I'm making food for us then we can move on to the punishment

Me: After eating they clean up then head up to the bedroom

Aizawa and Mic: Punishment time

Izuku: (What did I do)

Me: After that Magical night

Izuku: ( Ugh I can't even walk now)

Izuku: Thanks a lot I can't even walk now

Aizawa and Mic: Sorry

Izuku: Hmph

Aizawa and Mic: Come on puppy don't be like that

Izuku: "Still mad"

Izuku: Go make me some pancakes

Aizawa and Mic: Okay puppy

Aizawa and Mic:" Leaves the bedroom "

Izuku: " Calls his parents "

Izuku : 'Mom, dad, and Shiggy I need help... I can't walk now'

Inko, All for one and Shiggy: 'Wait what?!?!'

Inko, All for one and Shiggy:' What happened'

Izuku: ' Uh.... Aizawa, Mic and I did it as a punishment for me and now I can't walk'

Inko, All for one and Shiggy: ' I will beat them ... Don't worry we won't hurt them to bad '

Izuku: ' Okay see y'all in a little bit love y'all bye '

Inko, All for one and Shiggy: ' Bye zuzu love you '

Me: At the base with AFO, Inko and Shiggy

Inko, All for one and Shiggy: I will hurt them bad "Evil smile"

Me: Back with Aizawa, Izuku and Mic

Aizawa and Mic: "Goes to the bedroom with pancakes"

Aizawa and Mic: Here you go Izu

Izuku: Thank you

Aizawa and Mic: You're welcome Izu

Me: After eating pancakes and getting changed

Aizawa: Well Mic and I have to go to class you stay here and rest Mic and I will check in on you in a little bit okay?

Izuku: Okay

Me: In class

Class 1a: Aizawa-Sensei where's Izuku

Aizawa: He's sick don't worry Present Mic and I are taking care of it as in helping him get better Mic and I don't want y'all to help him because it's bad and don't want y'all to get it

Class 1a: Oh okay

Me: At lunch during lunch

Aizawa and Mic: " Walking to Izuku's dorm and walks in "

Aizawa and Mic: Izuku?

Izuku: Yes? I'm in the bedroom

Izuku: " yelling from the bedroom to tell Aizawa and Mic where he is "

Aizawa and Mic: Feeling any better?

Izuku: No but can you make me some lunch

Aizawa and Mic: Sure.. What do you want to eat for lunch

Izuku: Soup and grilled cheese

Aizawa and Mic: Okay

Aizawa and Mic: "Goes to the kitchen"

Aizawa and Mic: "Makes soup and grilled cheese"

Aizawa and Mic:" Goes to the bedroom with soup and grilled cheese "

Aizawa and Mic: Here you go Izu

Izuku: Thank you

Aizawa and Mic: You're welcome

Izuku: " Eats"

Me: After eating

Aizawa and Mic: Well Mic and I have to go back to class

Aizawa and Mic: " leaves Izuku's dorm"

Me: After lunch

Aizawa and Mic: Okay we're going to train now

Me: On the training field

Aizawa: Ok now we're going split the class up

Class 1a: Okay

Aizawa: Half of you come with me then the rest of you go with Mic

Aizawa: With me y'all are going to learn how to fight without using your quirks

Mic: Now with me y'all are going to train using your quirks

Aizawa and Mic: When we're done with half of you we'll switch so like Aizawa's group are now going with Mic then Mic's group will go with Aizawa so y'all get the same amount of training does that make any sense to y'all now?

Class 1a: Yes sir

Me: After training the bell rings

*Bell rings*

Aizawa: Alright class dismissed y'all may go to your dorms

Class 1a: Okay Aizawa-Sensei

Class 1a: "leaves to the dorms"

Aizawa and Mic: "Walks to Izuku's dorm"

Aizawa and Mic: " Walks in "

Aizawa and Mic Izu?

Izuku: Yes?

Aizawa: What are you doing?

Izuku: Read a book on the couch why?

Mic: We were wondering what you were doing

Aizawa and Mic: Also feeling better I'm guessing

Izuku: Yep also I told my brother and my parents so y'all will get your tails beat bad you guys better be prepared

Aizawa and Mic: Oh no!

Me: AFO, Inko and Shiggy show up

AFO, Inko and Shiggy: "Knocking"

Izuku: I'll get it

Izuku: "Opens the door"

Izuku: Hi mother,father and brother

AFO, Inko and Shiggy: hey zuzu

Aizawa and Mic: " Scared for their life "

Aizawa and Mic: ^ Whispering ^

Aizawa:^ We messed up badly ^

Mic: ^ Yeah we did ^

Aizawa and Mic: " Running for their life "

AFO, Inko and Shiggy:" Running after them"

Izuku: Good luck Present Mic and Aizawa-Sensei

Izuku: " laughs"

Izuku: ( Well they're dead lol)

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