Sequel Sneak Peek

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Hi! Because you have all been so kind to me, here is a little sneak peek of the second book's first chapter!


A little background information to know before you read this:

If you couldn't tell from the ending chapter, everything that happened with Daniel is the same that happened with Mysterio in FFH. That being said, the events in No Way Home are the exact same, they just happened because of Daniel instead of Mysterio (For example, all of the villains from previous movies have still come to NYC for Peter, however, it's because of Daniel. The overall plot of NWH is the exact same). I will not be writing the scenes that happened in No Way Home. I personally hate reading books that do write those scenes because if I've already seen the movie, why would I need to read the scene exactly word for word? Instead, I have gotten inspiration from the scene where Peter says goodbye to MJ and Ned before Doctor Strange uses the spell and fitted it into this story.

Also, that is the only part of No Way Home that I will actually be using. I may mention a few scenes, however, I will not write them out. Now you may be asking yourself, "What is this story about then if you're not writing out the scenes of No Way Home?"

I'll tell you!

This takes place as soon as Peter tells Doctor Strange to make everyone forget Peter Parker exists. Peter now has to live a life without you knowing who he is to keep you safe.


"Oh my god, Peter!" You exclaimed as you ran up to him and pulled him into the tightest hug you'd ever given anyone. You were mindful of the many injuries and bruises he'd just endured on the statue of liberty, but even though he was in pain he hugged you as tight as he could, not caring about anything else but you.

"I'm here. You're okay? Are you okay? let me look at you." Peter croaked into your hair before he pulled away and placed his hands on your cheeks. He observed your face before he frowned at a cut on your forehead. "You're not okay. I'm so sorry let me go and get-"

You cut off his rambling by pulling him into a deep and tender kiss. He reciprocated it but he pulled away after a few moments and continued to frown at the cut on your face.

"I'm fine, Peter, it doesn't even hurt, I promise."

He finally looked into your eyes and you noticed the tears that had been falling from them. You observed that they must've been falling for a while considering his cheeks were wet. Your heart ached at the sight and you wanted nothing more than to take him away from this and go back to your apartment to shower him in cuddles and a nice warm bath.

In all honesty that's exactly what you had planned as soon as it was clear that Peter Parker had won, or rather that the Peter Parkers had won. Your Peter, though, knew in every vein in his heart that as much as he wanted to go back home and do that with you, he couldn't. He knew what was about to happen and it killed him to even look into your eyes and know that he was going to lose you for a second time.

You picked up on the overwhelming sadness present in his eyes and you couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't telling you something.

"Y/N, we don't have a lot of time. Doctor strange needs to cast a spell in order to make sure everyone who knows who I am doesn't come through."

"Yeah, okay, let's go then," You attempted to walk away but Peter grabbed onto your forearm and pulled you back to him.

There it was again, the feelings that he wasn't telling you something.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you moving?" You asked as calmly as you could've.

Peter closer his eyes and sniffled before looking back into your eyes.

"The spell he's casting is to make sure everyone forgets who I am so that they can't come through the multiverse."

You felt your heart rate quicken and you began to blink quickly, trying to understand what he was saying to you.

"I don't understand."

Another tear slipped down Peter's cheek as he focused on the ground below the both of you.

"Peter?" You asked after a few moments of agonizing silence. His eyes met back into yours again and he placed his hands on the sides of your cheeks.

"You're going to forget who I am, Y/N. You're going to forget that you ever met me. As soon as the spell is casted... I will have never existed to you and the rest of the world."

It was then your turn to shed tears down your sweat covered face. It felt as if each shard of your broken heart was stabbing into your lungs and you couldn't breathe no matter how hard you tried. 

Peter pulled you back into him and held you close. He shared tears along with you and wished there were any other way for him to help you. While he knew he was doing the right thing by keeping you and his friends safe, he couldn't help but feel angry at himself for breaking your heart a second time. 

Spiderman, the friendly neighborhood hero who'd defeated countless deadly villains in his lifetime, couldn't heal your shattered heart.

"I don't want to forget you." You sobbed into his shoulder. Peter tried to keep himself together, but hearing your voice cracks made it impossible. He pulled out of the hug and put his hands on your cheeks for the last time. 

"I'll come back. I'll always come back to you." 

You sadly nodded and sniffled.

"You better. I'll figure it out on my own if you don't." 

Peter let out a laugh and your stomach churned knowing that it was the last time you were going to hear it for a while. 

You glanced up at Doctor Strange who was giving Peter a sad look. You felt more tears well up in your eyes and you looked back at Peter. 

"I need you to promise me that you'll come back and explain everything to me."

"Won't you be terrified if some guy you don't know just comes up to you saying 'Hey we used to date but I had this magic wizard cast a spell to save the world?'"

You also let out a laugh and punched his arm lightly. 

"Promise me, Peter."

He looked into your eyes for a few seconds before he nodded. 

"I promise." 

You nodded back in confirmation. Peter continued to look into your eyes sadly. 

"Y/N, I-"

"Tell me when you come back and find me." You smiled sadly at him. He smiled back and nodded. 

He pulled you back in for one last passionate kiss. You returned it immediately and savored every second of his lips on yours. You tried to engrave it into your memory even though you knew you'd forget it in a minute. 

Once you both pulled away he rested his forehead on yours and stroked your cheek. 

"I'll come back."

You nodded and kissed him again for a moment before he pulled away once more. 

"I need to say goodbye to Ned and MJ." He spoke while he stroked your face.

You let out a shake breath and nodded your head. You kissed his cheek one last time before slowly walking away and gesturing to Ned and MJ to go and talk to him. Ned went to him right away, however, MJ could see your swollen eyelids from a mile away and went to you instead. 

"Y/N, what's wrong? Talk to me." She spoke as she placed her hands on your shoulders. Your lip began to quiver and you shook your head rapidly before you began to sob on her shoulder. She immediately pulled you in and hugged you as tightly as she could. 

MJ glanced between you and Peter, and then saw some tears begin to fall on Ned's face. She figured it had to do with Peter needing to do something to save the world given the state of her best friend who was breaking right in front of her eyes, and Ned who was also beginning to break. She then looked up at Doctor Strange, who made a gesture towards his watch to let Peter know that they were out of time. Whatever was about to happen she figured she was better off not knowing. 

Ned came back to you and MJ and Peter glanced at all of you one last time before he put on his mask and swung away. 

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