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Izumi Midoriya from a young age wanted to become a hero, even though her parents were the top 2 villains in the world. Both of them wanted to see her happy and if that was her being a hero then they were fine with it.

The problem was that the Hero Society was corrupt and also most of the heroes only cared about fame and money, and when Izumi was to find out about that she most likely would be crushed by what the hero society was. The both of them weren't going to tell her that because she wouldn't believe them in the first place because of her strong belief that a hero could do no wrong.

The good thing was that she had 3 strong quirks, so she had a really good chance of getting into a hero school because of that. Hero School only cared about the quirks that people had, so if the people with quirks were strong nothing would happen to them if they were to bully other kids. Also, most of the hero schools looked over the many suicides that are caused by people with strong quirks because if it was to get out then the civilians would start to hate and have a distrust of the Hero Society.

Izumi's parents, even though being the number 1 and 2 villains in the world are liked by most of the people in Japan because they do the work that most of the heroes should do. This also made the hero look bad, but the heroes always tried to put a bad light out on both of them.

One of the bad lights that happen was when All Might tried to kill Nana Shimura, but before he could AFO saved her because she was dating her daughter at the time. Then All Might blamed the death of Nan Shimura on AFO, but the problem for that was she didn't die. Nana said that she was going to release the footage of what actually happened that day when Izumi found out the truth about the Hero Society.

When Izumi started school, Inko told her to say that she was quirkless because if she said that she had a quirk that could take control of someone's mind she would be considered a villain by the school Inko just wanted her to have a normal life.

When she did go to school, she was picked on because they thought that she was quirkless and she was starting to find out what the hero society was. 

Not letting quirkless people have a chance of being heroes, but she could see that more quirkless people had the heart of a hero than actual heroes. 

Izumi over the years of going to school, the pick on that she was getting got worse to the point that it became bullying and they were hitting her with her quirks.

One was Katsuki Bakugo, he was doing it because he didn't want her to die and because she liked her. The only thing that it did to her made her hate him, and what he did was going to make her want to kill him. 

With all of the bullying that she had she gave up on the hero society and she told her parents and Nana. They then started to train her to become strong like them because if she was to get caught then she would have to know how to some defense and offensive capabilities.

She did tell her parents that she was going to go one last day and beat up some of the kids that were at the school that bullied her, especially Bakugo. Her parents didn't really care because of what the kids did to her.

So the next day came around and it was the end of the day and Bakugo and his crew came to bully Izumi, but the problem was that she turned the tables on them and she used telekinesis to throw the two people in front of Bakugo. When Bakugo saw that he was shocked and couldn't speak about and when he was Izumi used psychokinesis to tell him to use his own quirk against him. 

When that happened she saw that he had a hole in his chest, but before she left she erased his memory and put in his mind that he had an accident using his quirk so that nobody would be suspicious of her. She also did it to the other two that were with Bakugo too.

On her way home, she saw that a boy around her age was getting picked on, and it was by none other than heroes. So she went over there and knocked the two heroes out because they weren't paying attention. She then went over to where it was, got him, and then took him to her house.

Since the boy that she had picked up was unconscious, she didn't get the name of him. When she did finally get home, her mother saw her carrying the boy and decided to help her out.

Inko: What are you doing with him?

Izumi: He was getting picked on by some heroes and I don't know why because he passed out when I knocked out the heroes that were picking on him.

Inko: So you brought him here.

Izumi: Where else was I supposed to bring him?

Inko: You could have found a place that nobody could have found him at and dropped him off there.

AFO comes into the room that they are in and saw the boy and he had a shocked look on his face.

AFO: Who brought him here?

Inko: Izumi.

AFO: Thank you

Inko: You aren't mad at her.

AFO: Why would I, she brought the person that I've been trying to help for years to the house.

Inko: Wait, this is the boy that you have been talking about for years about trying to get him out of the streets.

AFO: Yes, his parents died and people abused him because he had a villain-type quirk.

Inko: What's his quirk.

AFO: Demon Fox quirk and Chakra.

Inko: *shocked* He has two quirks

AFO: Yes, he has 2 quirks, and his parents were the top two heroes before the corruption of the  Hero Society happened.

Inko: You are talking about Minato and Kushina Namikaze. Why isn't he protected if it gets out that his parents were the two top heroes and he was abused by other heroes, then the hero society would be destroyed?

AFO: And that's what we want to happen.

Inko: I feel bad for the kid because I bet he doesn't even know who his parents are.

Izumi: I'll talk to him when he wakes up because he most likely doesn't like talking to adults because of what the heroes had done to him.

AFO: That's a good idea.

They all left the room and let him sleep.

He woke up the next day and when he did he didn't know where he was and started to walk around. While walking around he ran into one of the maids that were at the house.

???: Where am I.

Maid: You are in AFO's house.

??? I told him that I didn't need his help.

Maid: He didn't save you.

???: Then who saved me.

Izumi: I did.

???: And who might you be.

Izumi: I want to know what yours is first since I saved you.

???: Ok, my name is ???

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