"Ohh." I heard Jiyeon. "I'm sorry, did you wait for too long?" She asked and walked toward my direction. Minho was behind her, buttoning his tshirt. I mentally rolled my eyes.

Fuck you, Minho.

I stood up and shook my head. "No, I just walked in a few seconds ago." I muttered and forced a smile.

"You're here to record my boyfriend's body measurements  right?" Jiyeon asked.

"Yes. I'm definitely here only for that." I answered, looking at Minho who was already staring at me with a smug look on his face.

Ugh! That annoying yet handsome face!

"Great! I have something to do so I guess I'll leave now." Jiyeon smiled and grabbed her coat from Minho's desk. I caught a glimpse of her neck and saw two marks on it. I slightly pout my lips and looked down.

As soon as she left, I immediately took the things needed from my bag and walked near Minho with my gaze on the measuring tape. I firstly observed his whole body and mentally judged him. He was wearing only a dress shirt and tie. The sleeves were rolled up near his elbow. I can see his coat on the table  from my peripheral vision.

"I'll go with your shoulders first." I mumbled and went behind him to face his back. I gulped and felt my hands shaking as I get to touch his broad shoulder.

However, I shrugged my worries off and focused on my task. I measure and write it down. Repeat. The atmosphere was not awkward but rather tensional.

I went in front of him to measure his upper torso. I put the one end of the measure tape near his neck and traced it down his body. I gulped secretly and see the number of inches. I was about to take my hands off of him when he caught my wrist.

My heart instantly dropped and my eyes blinked abruptly. I gathered all my courage to look at him in the eye. His gaze holds different emotions. Anger and rage but at the same time cold and hurt. My eyes narrowed when I realized just how close our faces are to each other now. He didn't let go of my wrist and used his other hand to reach for my other wrist.

"W-what are you doing?!" I asked him, my voice was shaking in immediate panic.

Minho didn't say anything. He just stared at me. He put my hand on his shoulder, making me hold his nape. Afterwards, I felt him wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer so that our bodies touch each other.

I was totally out of it as if my whole system went down. My knees were starting to become weak. He has a girlfriend. How dare he do this to me and to his girlfriend?!

"Minho." I mumbled and attempted to get out of his grip but he just pulled me closer.

I froze in shock when he leaned his forehead on my shoulder. "Tell me, (Y/N)." I heard him say.

"What type of guys do you usually date when you were in the US?" He asked with his baritone voice.

I stepped back but he just hugged my body tighter. I held his arm with my hands and pushed him with all my might. "What do you mean?!" I asked him.

He looked at me with anger in his eyes. He ran his fingers through his purple hair and clenched his jaw afterwards. My heart was increasing in rate and getting louder in every second.

"Five years." I heard him scoff. "You were gone for five years and you still had the guts to fucking come back?" He asked, in an angry tone.

I widened my eyes upon hearing those words from him. I knew it. He doesn't want to see me. He hates me. And it was a bad idea coming back here and showing up to him after all what happened. I fiddled with my fingers in nervousness and loss for words.

"I-I . . ." my throat feels dry. "I-I'll just continue t-to— to get your measurements maybe t-tomorrow or the next day—"

"I'm fucking talking to you about a completely different topic." Minho hissed, angrily. He tilted his head and walked nearer to me. "Did you not really care about me five years ago that's why it was so easy for you to go and hang around with other guys that's not me?!"

I gulped and took a step back. I continued staring at him even though I'm feeling so little and shrinking in embarrassment. I shook my head slowly and been wanting to say a word but none came out of my mouth.

"The hotness, muscles, looks and richness. I'm the most qualified." He said. "So why go around and look for someone else when you clearly have me?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I like him, a lot. And I want to be with him too. But he has a girlfriend. He's already taken and I don't think it's a good idea to just barged in their relationship and destroy their romance. I pulled myself together and walked away, reaching for my bag.

"I don't know what you're saying. I think I need to go." I said and took my bag before turning around. However, he blocked my path and looked at me with pleading eyes.

Damn it. I need to get out here as quickly as possible. I don't want to give in just because I still have feelings for him. He is already committed to someone! I don't want myself to be a third party. I know my place and my own worth!

Seeing his pleading eyes feels like I'm torturing myself. I don't know if I'm being delusional but I feel like he's hurting. And I'm the one who hurt him. Both physically and emotionally. I left him. I left him because I wanted to save my own life. When the scene that happened five years ago stated flashing back in my mind, I hurriedly made my way towards the door. I feel like I'm about to break down any moment now.

Before I could go out, I heard Minho said something making me feel much more confused as I am now.

"No matter how much you give distance from me, no matter how far you run away. I'll find a way to make you come back to me. I'll make sure of that."

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