"Do you have a project right now? Who are your clients?" He asked, while eating beside me.

"Hm. I do have a project right now. My clients are two high profiled people. One a businessman and another is a professional model." I answered.

Sean looked at me with wide eyes. "Woah, you're amazing! You deserve an offer like that!"

"Thank you." I replied, smiling.

This is what I like about Sean. He's a gentle and chill person. When I'm with him, I don't feel like being embarassed to tell him all the thoughts inside my head. He's also a very supportive friend.

"Why are you so quiet?" He suddenly asked out of the blue.

"Nothing. I just, it's been a bad day." I sighed heavily.

"Really? It's not even half a day yet." He chuckled. "Don't worry. I know the feeling of waking up in the morning only to feel like going back to sleep again."

"I'm exhausted." I slightly chuckled to ease the tireness away. I don't know why I'm so emotionally tired today. Maybe because of what happened earlier? Probably.

"Is this about your project? Come on, I'm sure you'll do well." Sean mumbled.

"You have so much faith in me." I looked at him and smiled.

"Because I know you. You're someone who refuses to give up on something you truly want to have." He said.

"Hmm, but some things are just hard to reach. Especially when fate decided to play with you first." I trailed off, staring at nothingness.

"Yeah . . ."

"I'm so full!" I said and reached for a water bottle. Sean already took it and opened the bottle before giving it to me. "Thanks." I said and drank.

"How much time do you plan to stay here?" I casually asked after drinking the water.

"Well, until I feel like going back to US, I guess?" Sean chuckled. "I just want to spend more time with you."

I fell silent and didn't say anything after hearing that. In all honesty, I really don't know what to say or reply whenever he say such things. It feels awkward and sometimes uncomfortable. But I can handle most of it.

"And know you even more . . ." Sean whispered.

"We're friends for four years now, Sean. What is it that you want to know about me?" I looked over him.

"(Y/N), you know I see you as someone that's more than a friend." Sean stated.

"Sean . . ."

"I know, (Y/N). I know what you're going to say. Just . . . I don't want to hear it again and again. But I'm still hoping you'll give me a chance . . ." He pleaded, staring at me with narrowing eyes.

I started breathing heavily to calm myself down. I feel so pressured. I don't know what to say or do. "I don't know, Sean."

"I'm not pressuring you, (Y/N)." Sean held both of my shoulders and faced me. "Just see my efforts and feel me. Maybe you'll get to like me in the future. I'll wait for you."

"W-wait for me?" I asked. I don't want to give him false hopes that's why I don't want him to wait for me.

Sean nodded before forcing a smile. "Of course."

After a few moments, I found myself inside the car, buckilng the seatbelt. The car started moving and so my thoughts started lingering inside my mind. I stared outside while leaning my head to the window.

Minho already has a girlfriend and I can say that they love each other dearly so much. I don't want to break them apart. But what confuses me is what Minho said earlier. It felt like he means something else by those words. It's making me confuse.

Sean confessed to me about his feelings several times already. I can tell that his feelings are genuine and his intentions are pure. However, I can only see him as a friend. Just a friend and nothing more than that. I told him that already multiple times but he's so eager to prove himself to me.

I don't know what to do. Someone wants to be with me while I want to be with someone else. Sean likes me but my heart wants Minho. However, Minho already has a girlfriend. I don't want to break a relationship apart just because I forced myself to barge into it. My conscience won't let me sleep at night if that happens and I'm not that kind of person, really.

I gave directions to Sean towards my cousin's house. I didn't tell him that I'm living in my house alone because I'm sure he'll ask me things which I'm too tired to answer. The moment the car stopped, I immediately unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out of the car.

Sean was already standing in front of me. He closed the cardoor behind me. "Thank you." I said.

Sean smiled softly and reached for my cheeks. I flinched but he didn't seem to notice it. "I'll see you some other day?" He asked.

I nodded my head in response. Before I could take a step, Sean already kissed my cheek. I gulped and looked at him with hesitation. I mean, this is a western culture. And I'm used to it by now. But, after his confession, I feel a little different whenever he does that gesture. In the end, I just shrugged off the thoughts.

"Goodbye, Sean. Take care." I mumbled before walking towards the gates.

I looked back and waved my hand at my friend before opening the gates. When I closed it, it was the moment I let out a sigh of relief.

Not even a few seconds later, my phone rang. I immediately fetched it from my pocket and answered it immediately when Ashley's name flashed on the screen.


"Oh my gosh, (Y/N)! What did you do?" Ashley's frantic girly voice welcome my ears.

"W-what did I do? What?" I began to panic.

"You walked out? Mr. Lee is very furious! He said it to me and even complained. He said he was so disappointed at you!" Ashley stated.

My heartbeat dropped when I realized what she was talking about. "I-it was a . . ."

"He's giving you a last chance. Meet him tomorrow early in the morning. He's got a busy schedule ahead so you have to make it there as early as possible!" She spoke over the phone call.

"S-sorry. I'll do it. I'm sorry, Ash."

"I was just shocked and concerned. I thought something happened."

"I'll meet him tomorrow. And get my work done as fast as I could." I said, before biting my lower lip as I make my way inside my cousin's house.

"Thanks, (Y/N). I'll have to go." Ashley said and I could hear background noises.

"Thank you, Ash." I mumbled before the call ended.

My cold shaky hands twisted the doorknob and the door opened. I gulped when thinking of how messed up my first project with a client is. I guess It's just have to deal with this until next month.

All my stress and worry suddenly disappeared when Dori and my cousin's cat welcomed me with their meows amd purrs. I pet them both and picked up Dori afterwards.

"Can I do it, Dori?" I asked my cat who's obviously oblivious of what I was talking about.

"I can do it." I said determined before hugging my cat.

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