1 | Cheater

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The girl walked through the streets with joy. She had just finished her first gig which went very well. She was now walking to the store to get some snacks for herself and her boyfriend, Liam. She walked in and greeted the man at the register. She walked down the candy isle and grabbed 2 bags of Maltsters. She then walked down the drink isle and grabbed a diet Coke and an apple juice. She walked up to the register and handed the man the items. 

"You seem very excited miss, anything happen tonight?" The man asked with a soft smile.

"Yes, I actually had a gig at the bar down the road. It went very well and they asked for me to come back" She said with excitement very noticeable in her voice. 

"Alright, your total is 11.20 pounds" She handed him the money and he handed her the bag. She thanked him as she left and walked down to her boyfriend's apartment. She was so very happy. She really enjoyed doing little gigs. It was nice to test out her music before she would release it to everyone. She soon walked up to the apartment complex and opened the main door to the lobby. She walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the 4th floor. She listened to the elevator music with a smile. She was excited to tell him all about her night. The girl opened her phone to see her lockscreen, a picture of her and her brother, Wilbur. She saw the time being 8:45pm. She put her phone in her pocket as the elevator reached the floor. She walked out and to her boyfriend's apartment. 428. She grabbed her key and put it in the lock. She could hear people next door making lots of noise. She turned the doorknob and the noise was louder as she opened the door. She put the bag of snacks down and walked to where the noise was coming from. Her boyfriend's room. She turned the doorknob to see her best friends, Ashley and Mia, having sex with Liam. Her boyfriend and her own friends. She dropped her jaw and felt sadness then anger. 

"WHAT THE FUCK IS ALL OF THIS?!" She yelled. Liam stood up and rushed to her. 

"Baby, it's not what you think" Liam said in a calm voice laced with worry. She pushed him away and walked into the room. The two girls were already trying to get their clothes. She shoved everything off his desk and grabbed the lamp. 

"IT'S NOT WHAT I FUCKING THINK?!" She smashed the lamp on the ground and ripped up some papers. "IT LOOKS LIKE MY BOYFRIEND JUST FUCKED MY TWO BEST FRIENDS!" Liam tried to calm her down but nothing was working. She was ripping up papers and throwing shit around the apartment. She grabbed her bag and spoke up. 

"Don't ever fucking call or text me again. It's over" She rushed out the apartment. She went into the elevator and started to cry in the elevator. The elevator went to the lobby floor and she got out. She walked out and down the street. She walked and cried till she got to her apartment complex. She walked in and into the elevator. She listened to the elevator music with a now bitter taste in her mouth. She got out on her floor and went to her apartment door. 216. She unlocked her door and walked in. She closed the door and went straight to the kitchen. She opened her top cabinet and grabbed a bottle of Glen's Palatium Vodka. She sat down on the floor and opened the bottle. She took a sip and let the burning sensation coat her throat. She opened her phone and blocked all their numbers and put her phone on 'Do not Disturb'. She put her phone down and took another sip. She started to sob. She really did love Liam. They had been together for years. They started dating since year 12. She thought he was the one that she would marry. She looked at her hand and took off the promise ring. He gave it to her when she turned 21. She threw the ring across the room and sobbed while taking another sip of vodka. Her brother had warned her about London. He lived here till he moved away to Brighton a year ago. She didn't listen, of course. This was her choice. She fucked up. She made the wrong choice. She took a big sip this time and let her throat burn. She wiped her face even though she was still crying a river. She leaned her head back against the stove and started to feel it hit her. She chuckled as she was crying and closed her eyes. 

an heyyy, so yeah new chapter. it would awesome if you could vote for this part. it helps me out and makes more motivated to make more parts. anyways, have a good day and sleep well. :)

Heard Through the Grapevine // AwesamdudeWhere stories live. Discover now