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"𝗠𝘆 𝗼𝗵 𝗺𝘆

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"𝗠𝘆 𝗼𝗵 𝗺𝘆.." I flipped through the pages, my eyes glancing at the words ' "at last.. we have reunited my dear, my love.." her hand lowered to her lovers face giving a soft kiss after all the trouble they've gone through. She spoke once again "I truly missed you, my ——."' I gushed at the way she spoke, my heart throbbed "truly dazzling.. such an amazing story!" I huffed, closing the book before putting it back in my book shelf. I press my hand against the bookshelf, admiring my own collection. It's filled with romance novels to horror stories. I planned to buy another shelf the moment I get the time. I really didn't want my precious babies to be on the floor.

Humming a tune, I look through my shelf trying to find another story to read, or reread depending on how much I enjoyed it. I stop for a moment, looking at my manga section. I stared at Demon slayer for a bit, a smile making it up my face. I quickly grab the book (carefully of course...) ready to reread one of my favorite books, I've already memorized the plot of course. From the very beginning to the heart aching end! Truly a masterpiece, at least in my opinion.. I opened to the first page realizing there was something off.

A black ink splash.. on my precious book?! I gasped horrendously, soon that shocked turned into fear when I saw hand coming out of the book, grabbing my face. I begin to hyperventilate, I tried pull the hand off my face, not realizing that the ink grew larger as it engulfed me entirely. My head began to ache, I grew tired, falling into slumber.


Good god, my head aches like crazy. I felt the area around me, a grassy like touch accompanied with water nearby. My eyes shot open, knowing damn well something happened. Forcing my body to get up, I look around, disturbed to see myself surrounded by numerous trees.

'Now.. did I get reincarnated?' I thought, placing my hand under my chin.

'No, I haven't died. So what's happening..?' While pondering, I began to hear shuffling from my right. I shifted myself to look at the noise, heavily breathing, shaking a bit, and sweat dripped down my back.

I feared for what I will see, the possibility of this being a dream is high, but feeling everything is making me think it isn't one. I glanced around, hoping to see a rock so I could defend myself in some way.

'Found one!' My eyes glisten, grabbing the rock and preparing to throw it. I heard another shuffle, seeing something black pop out of a bush. By reflex, I tossed the rock as hard as I could at the thing. They yelped, coming out of the bush, tearing up.

My eyes widened, I looked at the thing— No, it was a person, a child at that. Seeing them tearing up, guilt filled up in my heart.

"Oh—! I didn't mean to hurt you.." I uttered out, my voice shook a bit from being startled.

The child sniffled, wiping their tears away. They approached me, I think they were trying to get a closer look at me. I felt bad, so I didn't move a muscle.

"Um.. kid, are you alright?" I asked. I mean, I did throw that rock pretty hard. My hands touch their head, making sure there was no big injury. Thankfully there wasn't and I sighed in relief.

"You're a stupid one miss." The child spoke.

"What..?" I rose my head to look at kid, who's face was morphing into some sort of monster. My eyes widened in fear, I shoved the kid into the nearby lake I woken up at.

'Just what the hell...?!' I screeched, backing up. I tried standing up, which failed due to that thing grabbing my ankles with some sort of slimy hand. I gagged, trying to escape it came closer.

'Shit!.. Shit!' This isn't the way I want to go. I tried holding on the ground, shaking in fear. I closed my eyes out of impulse and let out the most blood curdling cry ever known.

"Holy shit! Get off of me you fuck!!" I shouted, trying to push it off of me. It's slimy hands slipped off, allowing me to open my eyes again.

And there I saw them, the two most unexpected people — Kyojuro Rengoku and Uzui Tengen.

"Am.. am I dreaming..?" I blinked, looking at the two, who decapitated the monster I was trying to fend off. I chuckled a bit from all the adrenaline pumping, looking a little crazy.

"There's no way, I must be going crazy.." I sighed, shaking my head. I nearly lost my life just to find out that I'm in my favourite manga!..

"God.. I'm seriously gonna lose it.."

hey guys 🙏🏾 it's me the author rica.....
I disappeared on this app for like a billion years but guess what!! I'm back, and I deliver the first chapter of this silly sad something fic!! I just finished this and it's like 12 am and I got school tmr so... this is it for now :D
Stay tuned in for chapter 2 (yay!!!!)

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