" RYAN RADCLIFF, AGE FIVE, subject A125. " A male scientist said to his nurses as he laid out six syringes.

All six syringes were filled with a various amount and kinds of liquid. All differing between colors and thickness.

A scared Ryan laid strapped down to the hard metal table, tears starting to sting her eyes as fear overtook her whole body.  Her eyes frantically searched her surroundings. The room was cold and empty and the walls were all old brick.

It was clear the building was starting to fall apart.

The little girl also noticed how two cameras were placed in the highest corners of the room, the red blinking dot, let her know they were recording. " Please, Ryan, we ask that you stay calm. It will make it easier for all of us. " He warned.

" No, no. Please don't hurt me. " Ryan begged. "  I didn't do anything wrong. " The scientist and nurses simply ignored her pleas and one of them grabbed the first syringe. The liquid was a deep purple, almost black, and had the largest needle attached to it. " No, no, no. " She muttered, uselessly trying to flee.

Trying to save herself.

" Please don't fight it. " The nurse, softly, said and before Ryan could blink the large needle was pressed into her neck.

" Ah! " She cried out and she felt the liquid be inserted into her vein.

Soon it started to fell like her entire body was being lit on fire.

From her toes to her scalp, every inch of her, she was experiencing the worst pain she could imagine.

She squeezed her eyes together as her body continued to wither in pain. The nurses and doctor wordlessly watched, taking notes, as the little girl screamed in pain.

After several minutes had passed the pain slowly came to a stop. Ryan's heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest. One of the nurses grabbed a scalpel and carefully walked over to Ryan. She pressed the scalpel hard into her skin.

The scalpel snapped under the pressure, while Ryan's skin remained unharmed.

" It worked, sir. " The women said. " We increased her durability. "

" Well, let's see just how durable she has become. "

               RYAN'S EYES SHOT OPEN, AND her body tried to sit up but she was unable to.

Her head, shoulders, wrists, thighs, calves, and ankles were strapped down to a metal table. She was left in confusion about what these straps were made out of because she wasn't able to break free of them. To make it worse, an intubation tube had been shoved down her throat.

She was, yet again, trapped.

" Ms. Radcliff. " Ryan's eyes dart in the direction of the sound. It was a woman, who was confidently approaching the table. " You are a hard person to trap. The amount of gas we put into your chamber was enough to knock out an army. I'm impressed, truly. " Her voice was smug as she looked down at teen.

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