Love at First Write (END PART) Choose your own ending!

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If you go with Norman:
Opening the window you let the cold wind whirl around you and the snowflakes land lightly by your feet. Stepping out and shutting the door you shook from the dropping temperatures,

"I just wanted to say goodbye." You whispered. Forgetting formalities he grabbed your wrists, yanking you up to him, the mask didn't hide how pissed he truly was,

"You left me!" He spat.

"You gave me no choice! I needed to say goodbye, I was gonna come back!"

"Hey!" A third voice dropped in as Peter pulled on his mask and ran out behind you, slipping on the ice and landing on his ass. Trying to maintain dignity he pointed up at Norman,

"You put her down!" You shook your head at him looking away and sighing,

"Peter- I'm going with him..."

"WHAT?!" Normans laugh echoed as he held you tightly. The glider began to fly away, you could still hear Peter calling after you.

Things never really settled down. Once Norman saw your fighting gloves and building skills he insisted you help him. Soon enough you became a villain yourself. Never hurting anyone but assisting the goblin in his crimes. On the odd chance you'd run into Peter he'd just avoid you, never talking or throwing any punches your way. It made you sad, but this is just the way it was. You would never share his secret identity. He was still your best friend. Deep Down.

If you go with Peter:

"Peter!" You yell grabbing your gloves just as the window shattered. Peter pulled on his mask and began trying to tie up Norman.  The two were wrestling and knocking all Peters stuff over. You couldn't get close enough in without hurting yourself. Norman flew the glider back out the window taking Peter with him hanging on by a thread- or web. You swung yourself over the balcony and into the snow chasing them through the streets of New York. Your feet hurt from hitting the cold ground so hard but you couldn't stop, not when your best friend was on the line. Jumping as high as you could you managed to grab Peters waist and tug both him and the glider down.

Snow melted with the flames of the destroyed glider. Running to the glider you dragged Norman out. He was relieved, knowing deep down there was no way you could actually kill him. But you weren't saving him, you were pulling him out so you could kill him yourself. He coughed and turned away from you smiling like a devil,

"You only beat me because there's two of you! You're weak on your own, you need me."

"No! I! DON'T!" Bringing your fist down and sending a large shock straight to his suit,

"You hurt me! You made me feel like nothing!" Peter yelled at you to stop. You weren't listening. Finally Peter tackled you into the snow stopping the electric charge. Crying you grabbed at his suit and buried your face in his neck. His grip was like iron and he let you let it all out. The snow was still falling and covering you both. Now realizing you were both in PJ's you began to laugh and wipe your tears,

"You okay?"

"Yeah. You?" Looking back you saw the glider was still broken and shattered on the floor. It's owner gone.


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