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fezco's grandma was a motherfuckin' g.

she took fez and his half-sister, ade, in after shooting up their abusive father.

not exactly the best guardian, but she taught them everything she knew, and eventually did the same when ash was left in her care.

the two boys acted as her up-front partners. but ade liked to stay behind the scenes. keeping the logistics of their operation in check.

but no matter what their role was in the family business, the siblings would die for each-other and kill for each-other.

their family, although a dysfunctional group on paper, kept each-other safe when they needed it most.

but ade left at the start of last year to live in hawaii with her mom.

the woman hadn't had much involvement in her life but, hey, at least she was trying.

although ade loved her year in the sun, the beach and the time with her mother, not so much the constant use of her full name, adelaide, but it was a small price to pay. she inevitably moved back to her brothers in los angeles.

their family unit was inseparable.

she arrived back the same day ash killed mouse. which was "just in time", in her words, because "the boys can't handle shit without me, look what happened while i was gone."

ade knew every detail of what happened in the year she missed, because fez can't keep his fucking mouth shut.

well, it's partly my fault too.


"she got on the bus." rue lay on the middle of her bed, fingers tangled in a strand of her dark curls. her phone pressed up to her ear as she gossiped about the newest instalment to the east highland drama. "she just left me there."

"what!?" ade's voice boomed through the other side of the speaker. "dude, i know your like in love or some shit but i do not like this jules girl."

rue frowned, shocked and offended, as if this opinion was completely impossible.

"you'll get along when you get here." she turned onto her side with her phone still stuck to half her face.


now she was back, ready to add to the insanity that surrounded east highland high school and the ensemble of it's students.


authors note
ok, new story.
i've wanted to make an elliot fic since like the second episode of s2 but i didn't want it to be like exactly the same as the rest.
still not sure if i've accomplished my goal.

anyway, ade is prounced 'a-dee', cause it's short for adelaide (obvi). she's the same age as rue so as far as i'm aware that makes her a junior, i'm like not completely clear on what year any of the characters are in so just go with it.

any writing that is put in italic is meant to represent rue's narration, although not all of this will be through her eyes, it will be in ade's pov.

also any time you see '꧁꧂' it's also meant to represent a flashback or one of rue's all-seeing scenes, but i don't think it will be used that much.

this is definitely a work in progress, so please don't be too harsh & if there are any more questions, i'm completely happy to answer them!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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