A new arrival

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It's a normal day in the Apple farm, Melody is meditating, Clous is sleeping on the boat with Felix, Felix's new pet Gerald the Gryposuchus watching them
Andy is taking with Peter.

Everything is calm😊

???: Hello?

Never mind😐

???: Hello is anyone there?

Peter: the fuck?

Andy: who is it?

Peter: I don't know imma check it out

Peter: Yes who is it?

???: I'm just looking for Andy the Apple

Peter's mind: What, why would this person be looking for Andy?

Peter: hold on I'm coming

Peter approaches the mysterious person who turns out to be a girl named Sarah

Peter: hi, what's your name?

Sarah: Sarah, Sarah the Strawberry.

Peter: Nice to meet you, anyways why are you looking for Andy?

Sarah: for something

Peter: alright I'll get him

Peter rushes to Andy

Peter: Hey Andy come with me

Andy: wait why?

Peter: No questions asked, just come

Andy: okay?

Andy and Peter rush over Sarah

Andy: okay Peter, what's the 4-1-1?

Peter: well it's---

Sarah: *squeal* omg it's really you!

Peter: yeah that, Andy meet Sarah

Andy: oh uhh, hi Sarah.

Sarah: Hi nice to meet you, I'm your biggest fan!

Andy: oh that's nice, anyways welcome to my Apple farm

Sarah: I just wanna know, can I be apart of the crew.

Andy: if your looking for a job then sure, we like to have a new member 😄

Peter's mind: Nothing good is gonna come out of this 😑

Andy: follow me everybody

Peter's phone: *ring* *ring*

Peter: Hello?, oh hi Felix what's up? Code 19? Not again.

Peter: Hey Andy I gotta go

Andy: let me guess code 19?

Peter: yeah gtg

Andy: okay Sarah, you want me to give you a tour

Sarah: Sure!

Andy and Sarah walk around the farm, however Sarah kept simping over Andy, but Andy did mind.

Until they meet the rest of the gang, besides Peter

Andy: Hi guys

Everyone: Hello Andy!

Andy: what are you guys doing today?

Clous: Oh we're just eating, care for an Apple?

Andy: No

Melody: say Andy, who's your friend?

Andy: oh this Is Sarah

Clous: Care for an Apple Sarah?

Sarah: Yes, GIVE ME NOW!

Sarah devours the Apple leaving nothing behind

Clous: wow, she really likes apples

Melody: Hey Sarah, wanna play some games

Sarah: Sure what are the games?

To be continued

Andy's Apple Farm SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now