Chapter Four: Date number One

Start from the beginning

I knocked twice before a blonde girl who's maybe in her mid thirties, Christy his wife, his pride and joy besides his kids opened the door.

"Hi! I'm Christy, please come in." She said in a fake polite tone.

"Hello, I'm Jenna and thank you." I say, trying to be as proper mannered as possible without murdering her.

"Link and the kids will be down in a moment, please make yourself at home. Glasses are in the top cupboard, food in the bottom and I'm sure the kids will answer your questions where everything else is." She said trying to be friendly. Link then came down stairs buttoning up a white dress shirt. Following him is a young girl with dirty blonde hair and tanned skin. Two boys followed her, they looked the same, just one is older, both had light brown hair and bright blue eyes. It would be amazing to have siblings that look like you so you guys look like a family. Me and my sister Alli looked different. She was lighter in skin tone, she had bleach blonde hair and brown eyes. She also had the perfect body structure and she's very tall for being fourteen; she's 5'11 and I'm 6 feet. She plans on being a model when she's old enough and I'm sure she'll make it.

"Okay guys, this is Jenna." Link said covering up the awkward silence between us six.

"Hi." They said together.

"This is Lily." He said, pointing to her while she was playing on her phone.

"And let me guess, your Lincoln and Lando" I said cheerfully poking Lando in the stomach. I've babysat my six year old cousin Sammy before and that usually makes him giggle, I guess it makes Lando giggle too because he let out a small chuckle before hiding behind Lincoln.

Link and Christy already had their coats on before I could say bananas. While Link was grabbing his keys he said "We will be home by three ish, maybe four. Lando's bedtime is 7:30, Lincoln's 10 and Lily's is 11:30." I nodded then left to go sit beside Lily who was smiling at her phone.

"Good bye and night kids! love you!" Link said in his cute southern accent. He put his arm around Christy and left to their SUV.

"So Lily, who is he?" I asked prying, which is my best skill.

"Who is who?" She said blushing. Oh it's obvious she's hiding something

"Okay, now it's certain you're hiding something, who is he?"

"He is no one, nothing special"

"What's his name?" I asked energetically

"Locke" she said ashamed.

"Like the Locke McLaughlin?" I asked. She nodded sadly.

"Is lilocke real?" I said excited.

"No, we're just friends, though he always makes me smile" she said smiling at probably the thought of him.

"My gosh, why'd I tell you, I barley know you!" She said embarrassed.

"It's okay, I'd never tell" I said sincerely.

"Pinkie promise?" She asked sticking out her smallest finger.

"Pinkie promise" I confirmed and wrapped my pinkie around hers.

"We should be BFFs, even though we are three years apart" she said happily.

"Yeah, we should" I said joyfully back. Then Lincoln and Lando came running down the stairs carrying four nerf guns.

"Nerf war!" Shouted Lando while Lincoln threw a gun at me and Lily each.

*Link's POV*

I really hope they are treating her well, they can be sort of a pain if I say so myself. Me and Christy sat down at a table in the Olive Garden and ate a delicious meal before hitting a bar. We only stayed until one am because Christy was worried about the boys and how they treated Jenna.

When we arrived home, Jenna was sitting in the corner of our couch watching TV, holding her wrist.

"Oh hey guys" she said trying to hide her pain. Did they hurt her by accident?

"Hey Jenna, what's wrong?" Asked Christy sincerely.

"Oh I just hurt my wrist"

"Here let me see" I said before reaching out my hand. She gently dropped her wrist onto my palm. It was all purple and bruising.

"Did they hurt you by accident?"

"No I fell this morning."she said. It sounded truthful. Christy bent down to look at it

"Oh dear" she said

"Here's $120 dollars and Link will drive you up to the hospital" I think Christy is actually trying to be her friend!

"Christy this is way too much money, I should only get $105"

"It's fine! You did a wonderful job" Chris said before shooing us off to the hospital. It turns out Jen broke her wrist when she fell down her stairs and had a slightly black back bruise.

"Thank you Link" she said wrapping her arms around me, she was gentle and sweet. Her hugs made me love her even more

"Um, Jenna, on a serious note, w-will you, uh, go out with me?" I stuttered

"What about Christy" she said hopeful

"I only took her out tonight so I can see who I like best"

"Is this a dream?" she asked.

"Nope" I said laughing a little

"Than yes!" She practically shouted.

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