Chapter 7- I Am An Adult

Start from the beginning

     Peter was the first to sneak away, the rest of the beings following suite. It seemed, from the way the Pevensie boy was walking, that they were going towards the place where Lucy had seen Aslan. They weren't going to fail their mission: not if Aslan was involved. He cared too much.

  "So where exactly do you think you saw Aslan?" Peter wondered, though his tone was commanding.

  "I wish you'd all stop trying to sound like grown-ups." Lucy huffed as she wandered a little closer to the cliffs edge. "I don't think I saw him. I did see him."

  "I am a grown up." Trumpkin deadpanned.

  James added, swiftly. "Me too."

  "And me" chimes in Harvey.

  "I believe you, Lou." The eldest Pevensie added, before letting someone else speak. His words had to be known. If they weren't then so much would go unsaid that needed to be in the open. If it wasn't, then Lucy would find her own ideas redundant. James would never want that to happen. "I trust you."

  "Well," the young girl circled a space, for a short time before settling. "It was right over-"

     The grass broke through, and Lucy fell.

     Many things ran through James' mind in the time that it took to reach the space. This was his little sister, and he was worried. What if she had hurt herself- or worse? What if they never saw her again? Would she leave Narnia, or would she be left alone in the darkness forever? What would he tell his Mum?

    God- Mum. She'd be worried too. How could they explain that Lucy was gone, and there was no body anywhere? They couldn't. That was the truth.

     Lucy had to be alright. She had to. She was a fighter, she was strong. She had to be alright.

  "Lucy!" Susan cried out, like a mother losing her child. It was in the way she had at the river when it had broken, all of those years ago. A raw sort of pain.

  James shifted from panther form swiftly, his back aching as his bones cracked, so to lean on the floor, surrounding the gap. "She's here." His breaths were full of relief. She was fine.

  "Here." Lucy finished her sentence, exasperated.

     There Lucy was, on a grassy ledge beneath the mud. A ledge which took them all the way down to the small river below. That was where they had wanted to be all day, and because of her trust, there they were.

  "Well done, Lou." James grinned as his eyes morphed back to blue. There was no way he was going to trek a cliff without four legs. It was much safer that way: for everyone.

    It seemed that even after all that time in Narnia, James was still slightly clumsy. No one knew how he was so skilled of a fighter because the man often fell over after doing nothing but stand.

     As it seemed to be Aslan's wish, the large group descended the cliff. Every step had to be careful due to the excess of rocks and moss, but it was enjoyable. That made it alright.

     Lucy lead them, Trumpkin by her side. The two were slowly becoming friends, and the young Queen couldn't have been happier about it. She loved everyone, and everything, a new friend was the best outcome.

     "I think this Aslan is trying to kill us." Alfie groaned as he almost slipped on one of the rocks, higher on the descent.

  "He's not." Grunted James' panther. "He's challenging us."

      From the back, James and Edmund could see everything their friends and family were doing. The most rewarding of the day was when they reached the stones in the water, and they had to cross them. Lucy needed the help of Trumpkin, and whilst the others managed on their own, they expected Harvey to want some help too. Alfie bounced across- danger was his forte, as he would often say. But, surprise came, when Harvey stepped without care.

  "Did you see that?" He called, and the panther smiled, and nodded in glee.

  "Jesus, Harv." Alfie smiled. "No one thought you'd do that."

    Maybe his friends were starting to fit in. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as he first though.

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I don't own anything to do with the Narnia book series or film trilogy. These predominantly belong to C.S. Lewis. However, I do own James Pevensie, Alfie and Harvey Gallagher, and their respective alterations to the storyline.

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