Chapter 2

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$#$#!&: You lied to me!? I thought I had no choice! You told me there was no choice!

Unknown entity: ...

$#$#!&: What? Where am I? This place... the striking color of red envelops the room with a contrast of black. Did that bastard finally take me to hell?

Unknown entity: This isn't hell, Lilith. This is a space where you will be taught the basics of the system. This is the way I was made. I am not supposed to tell you this information. Your knowledge level of the system will grow as you defeat more criminals. For each criminal, depending on their level of corruption and influence, you will receive their souls to use as currency. system pops up this is the system version of my accessibility.

Lilith: You also know my name?! Have you been stalking me?!

Unknown entity: I know everyone's name. My creator made sure that I could find out all the information about people from the database.

Lilith: How much do you know exactly? And who is this creator you keep bringing up?

Unknown entity: The creator is the greatest being; he is my maker. I can't disclose more information as right now you have access to below-average levels of information. As I told you, as you progress, the more you will know.

Lilith: Hmm, fine, but how do I operate this thing then? attempts to press on the system thingy Hey! Why is this not working?

Unknown entity: Oh yes. I almost forgot. You need to give me a name in order to start using me.

Lilith: Ugh, would you stop being so formal, hmm? How about "Dolores"?

Dolores: I do not have a choice in the matter but "Dolores." Really?

Lilith: What? You should blame yourself for this cute, reaper-like attire of yours. Also, if you think you deserve a good name after you just stopped me from seeing what death is like. Sigh... you wouldn't understand. Besides, you don't have a choice.

Dolores: Fine, thank you for the name, my host. Lilith: I knew you'd come around!

Dolores: Host, in order to not get penalized by the system you must kill at least 1 criminal per day. Failure to do so will result in %&^$%^*#%$

Lilith: Result in what?!

Dolores: It appears you couldn't hear the information due to your extremely poor access level. By the way. You know the roof you were about to jump off of. Well there is a hostage situation going in the bank in the next building. Your first task shall be to kill the criminals without any civilian causalities, if you kill a civilian you will be penalized and if the criminals kill a civilian you will be penalized as well.

Lilith: Got it so I basically need to protect the hostages. However, I don't have a weapon to kill the robbers with...

Dolores: It is time to visit the store, you have been given 200 cp to begin with. This is enough to buy yourself " [Common] Old dagger "

Lilith: Staring at the status window so these things are my base stats. [ Strength : 4 ] [ Agility: 8 ] [ Stamina: 2 ] [ Intelligence: 11 ] [ Mana: 0 ] [ Luck : 16

] Dolores: Yes, you have 2 notable stats that are relatively high for starters, Intelligence and Luck, as for the others... Your agility is fine but your stamina and strength are just... Bad, straight up horrible, you have the stamina of a Koala, and the Strength of a 3 year old.

Lilith: Could you stop insulting me, I don't like working out and moving much ok? I think its very natural in this century to sit home and do work. Anyway. Purchases the dagger - 200 cp Notification

[ Your first quest is about to begin in 5..4.. Dolores: Good luck out there I am rooting for you!! 3..2..1]

Lilith to herself: What! Where am I? Wait isn't this the roof I was going to jump off? Wait- don't tell me that stupid system wants me to jump to the bank building?! That is like 4 meters away! Wait Lilith breathe, its going to be alright you were prepared to die weren't you? Jumping this should be nothing at all! *takes a few steps back to jump --- She sprints and jumps off the roof with all her power... But she can see the edge of the next roof and as she reaches, she falls.

Lilith: Ouch~! This hurts like a b**ch! Lilith observes her surrounding realizing she is in an alley between the two buildings I can't believe I just jumped that! Lilith looks back seeing a ladder, looking next to her seeing another ladder realizing that the ladders take you up to the roofs of the buildings Wait- No... No... No.. NO!! You are telling me I could have just went down the ladder and up the next one in order to get to the bank roof!! Damn this Dolores where is it when I need it.

Proceeds to climb up the onto the roof of the bank building

When she made it up to the roof she saw a mark. It looked like a red "X" as in the ones you see in pirate movies and scavenger hunts. Lilith then realized that she needs to make it down to the first floor of the building, but that at the moment she is at the 7th floor. The X mark was on the lock to a hatch at the top of the roof, this looks like an emergency entrance or exist. Lilith attempts to punch the lock.

Lilith: F*ck - Uhhhh. I guess it is the result of having such a 4 for my strength.

Dolores in head: Use your dagger

Lilith unlocks the hatch by breaking the lock and jumps down

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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