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*beat box noise*
Oh hey 😏 didn't see you there👁
I'm beat box 📦 and here's my best friend ✨pretty boi✨. His name is true 😮, he's so pretty, "beatbox what are you thinking? " "✨so so pretty✨" he looked at me like this 👁👄👁. I stopped, "i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i mean hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha she's pretty" I accidentally pointed at Ed sheeeeran. Quiet uwu kid who said fuck. "FUCK" then he started crying. He ran out. Anyways ✨pretty boi sat on the floor "come here" I sat next to him and he cuddled me? But why. I held him and as carl azuzuzuzkizuzkzuzuzj, uzuuzkzllez talked about Russian people, he fell asleep in my arms as I beat box Ed quietly.

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