Chapter 34: Departure in Progress

Start from the beginning

The Pikachu took a moment to stop and look around once again. He saw lots of Pokemon walking around in the Grotto, some talking, some laughing, kids playing, and others sitting at different benches.

"This must be how the Grotto was before Nidoking showed up..." He thought, letting out a content sigh

He noticed a group of kids, playing nearby one of the many houses in the Grotto. One of the kids, a Magby, looked over to Jacob and did a double take. She pointed at Jacob as she told all of her friends something indistinct.

The rest of the kids' heads turned toward Jacob in unison as their eyes sparkled in wonder.

Jacob then walked up to another Pikachu, looking around to check for different buildings.

"Hey, do you know where to find a shop for outdoor supplies?" He asked, standing in front of the other Pikachu.

"Yeah, it's about three buildings down on your left."

Jacob suddenly ran past the Pikachu, hurrying to his destination, "Thank you, Pikachu!"

"It's... Lewis..."

Before Lewis could finish his sentence, Jacob had already run off towards the store.

As Jacob ran, he noticed a bird-like Pokémon from above, and let his mind drift off as he stared at it, studying it's features. He had never seen a Pidgey, believe it or not.

His thoughts were interrupted, however, when he ran into a Scorbunny.

"Oww... Watch where you're going, you–!" He stopped as he got to look at the Pikachu, "Oh, it's Jacob! What's up?"

As Logan held out a paw for him to grab, Jacob let out a sigh, "I fear for people who bump into you that aren't me..."

"Heh..." The Scorbunny chuckled faintly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Logan, we told you that there's no sale!" A familiar Aipom rounded a corner to see the two, "Jacob? What are you doing here?"

The Pikachu smiled at Leah, "I'm just going to some outdoorsy shops to prepare to set back out on our journey."

At his statement, Logan's eyes widened, "They're leaving already?"

Simon's eyes stopped glowing purple as he levitated over to the three, "Oh, lucky you. You crashed right into Logan in front of the store."

"How many of you are here, anyways?" Jacob walked over to the corner that Leah and Simon had appeared from, "If one more of you shows up from around the corner I wouldn't be–"

He looked to see Frost, Chomps, Ness, Nix, and A.J all walking and talking as they approached.

"Two Nidoran...?" Jacob's eyebrows raised confusedly.

Leah walked to stand next to Jacob, "They went rogue and helped us during the fight for the Grotto."

"Oh, cool!" The Pikachu exclaimed with a smile, "Are they on your team now?"

Leah nodded, "Pretty much, yeah, same for this guy here."

The Aipom gestured to A.J, who noticed that she was talking about him.

"Also helped out during the fight for the Grotto?"

"Yeah, and he saved my life!" Leah grabbed his paw, pulling him over, "He's so much different than he was back when we were kids, though..."

A.J sighed, "I was trapped in a cave with nothing but my own thoughts and the roars of those I killed to keep me company, obviously I wouldn't turn out the same."

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