So, the mystery deepens. If you know anything about Emma, please feel free to enlighten us. Tweet us on @sugarscape.

Oh my God, I was on Sugarscape. Me. I read it again. ... he held her hand and gazed deep into her eyes, looking for all the world as if he'd liked to have done a lot more than just warble at her...

And it actually looked like he wanted to whip her off stage for a private performance, if you know what we mean.

Sugarscape could see the attraction between us too. Firstly everyone on Tumblr, and now Sugarscape! I really hadn't been imagining things. And now they wanted people to let them know who I was. Oh. My. God. Harry had been so right about the attention I would get. I wondered what to do next. It occurred to me that I could always text him about that.

Hi Harry, Emma here, you were right about me getting lots of attention from being up on stage last night — I'm all over Tumblr and Sugarscape. Any advice on how to handle it?

No, that still didn't sound right. I didn't send it. Instead I went back to Google and did a quick search for the Sun story. Unfortunately their website had a paywall, so I couldn't see it. I then did a Google search and dozens more stories about us popped up.

None of the others were as accurate as Sugarscape — most ignored the fact that he had thanked me for helping him afterwards and claimed I was a random fan he had got out of the audience simply because I was wearing a Burberry shirt like his. But several of them commented on the fact that he seemed quite taken with me. Is this Harry Styles' new lady love? asked Cambio. If only.

I must have been trawling the net for ages, when my mum came in carrying a plate of toast and a cup of tea.

"Morning love," she said, putting the plate and cup on my bedside table and kissing my forehead. "Special treat, breakfast in bed. Are you feeling any better about yesterday?"

"Yep, I think so," I said.

I opened the Sugarscape page on my phone and handed it to her. "Look at this."

"OMG, Emma," she said, sounding genuinely shocked. "You're on Sugarscape!!"

"I'm all over the place. Apparently I'm also in the Sun."

"Does it say anything about what a wanker Harry was?"

"Mum, don't swear." Her use of expletives whenever she mentioned Harry was disturbing me. "No, it doesn't. It just says he seemed very taken with me."

My mother sat down on the edge of my bed and scrolled her way through the story. "I guess this is what they call having your 15 minutes of fame," she said. "Are you all right with all this attention?"

I guess so," I shrugged. "There's not a lot I can do about it."

"Well, I hope it doesn't go any further. If the media come round here looking for you they'll have me to deal with me first."

I smiled at that. I knew how overprotective my mother could be. Even the most hardened reporter would meet their match in her.

My phone suddenly bleeped, and Mum handed it back to me, before getting up from my bed. Yet another text from Abby, who must have been beside herself.

FFS, ring me Em. I NEED  to know what happened. I'm about to burst.

I was about to call her when I heard Mum giggling. She was over by my desk, her back to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked. She turned around, and I noticed a black marker pen in her hand.

"Nothing." She turned her back on me again.

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