Chapter 26: Reunion With An Old Friend!

Start from the beginning

Trinity: And you... *Looks at Sorakaji's hair.* Need a haircut! *She giggles.*

Sorakaji: Aww, come on!

Trinity: *Punches Sorakaji in the shoulder lightly.* I'm just messin' with ya! You look great! So what're you doing all the way out here?

Sorakaji: We're out here looking for an ancient crystal.

*Trinity looks at Sorakaji with a raised eyebrow, a little puzzled.*

Trinity: A crystal?

*Sorakaji smirks back.*

Sorakaji: It's a long story! *Sorakaji looks up at Ryuuichi and Midori. Ryuuichi stands there, looking skyward, whistling.* Oh yeah, Trinity, these are my friends Ryuu and Midori! We're travelling together.

Ryuuichi: Yo, how's it goin'?

Midori: Hi! I take it you two know each other pretty well then?

Sorakaji: Yeah. Trinity was the first friend I ever made in Fuego Heights. She's the one who gave me my nickname in the first place.

Trinity: Heya! This is the first time I've seen Sora in something like 5 years! Wow, who would have thought I'd run into you again all the way out here? I still can't believe it!

Sorakaji: This is incredible!

Trinity: We really need to catch up! *Trinity thinks for a second.* Hey, you aren't going anywhere tonight, are you?

Ryuuichi: Nope, we just got here.

Trinity: *snaps her fingers.* That settles it! You're staying with me tonight!

Ryuuichi: That was fast.

Midori: I love the Box House as much as anyone, but I won't say no to not having to have Sora pay for accommodation!

*Trinity picks up the shopping she had before Sorakaji bumped into her.*

Trinity: Walk this way, people!

*The group continues walking until they get to a nice, comfortable looking house. Trinity unlocks the door and turns on a light.*

Ryuuichi: Sweet place you've got.

Trinity: Eh, it's alright I guess. Make yourselves comfortable.

*The group sits around a coffee table in Trinity's lounge. Trinity opens her fridge, pulls out a drink and opens it.*

Trinity: Alright, what'll you guys have?

Midori: Do you have any Shichi-Ue?

Trinity: You bet! Same deal for you guys?*Ryuuichi and Sorakaji nod.* Alright! Heads up!

*Trinity flings two cans at Sorakaji and Ryuuichi. Ryuuichi leans back slightly to catch his. Sorakaji grabs his out of the sky without moving his head.*

Ryuuichi: Nice catch!

*Sorakaji pulls the tab back, takes a sip and puts the can on the table.*

Sorakaji: Thanks!

Trinity: Still got some fast hands! *Walks over, hands Midori a can and sits down.* Here you go, Midori!

Midori: Thank you!

Trinity: You're welcome! *Trinity looks at Midori and Ryuuichi and chuckles softly.*

Ryuuichi: Am I missing something here? What's so funny?

Trinity: Oh, nothing. It's just the more things change, the more they stay the same. Growing up, we had our own 3 person group. us two and our friend Shiro were inseparable. You found one of us, the other two probably weren't far behind.

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