Chapter 7

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                        7 months later . . .

                I woke up the next morning. I had no motivation, I now have to wake up everyday for no reason. I miss Devin so much, and weirdly Vain. I slowly got up from my bed and walked towards my mirror. My hair was an absolute mess, my eyes were all puffy due to crying, and face was oily and gross. 

        I sighed and looked at myself for a minute. I now can see why he left me, I now understand why. I don't even love myself, I now understand why he doesn't. Thinking that made my heart wrench in pain. I miss him so much, I know he'll never be mine again. I am pathetic. 

        I sniffled and walked towards my bathroom and looked at the sink. There was only one toothbrush, and that one was mine. He took his with him, he took all his belongings with him making me break down again. What did I do to deserve to be treated like this? I brushed my teeth, and combed my hair and put some dry shampoo in my hair. I was too lazy to take a shower today.

        I walked to my dresser and threw some joggers on and Devin's lucky t-shirt, that he had given me for my birthday. I quickly put it over my black laced bra. I didn't bother applying any make up onto my face. I walked downstairs. It was absolutely quiet, I am now living by myself. My only best friend was my boyfriend, well ex boyfriend. Devin.

        I now have a job, since I have a doctoral degree in business I got a job in the business career. Tomorrow is actually my first day working there, I don't even know who my boss is yet. My mother has been helping me pay my bills, since for now I only have a part time job that I am going to quit tomorrow because my first day of real work is tomorrow. As I was in my house I heard a knock coming from my door, my eyes brows raised up confused. Who would be visiting me?

        I walked towards my door and opened it, and saw Devin. The biggest smile ever was plastered on my face. But he didn't look happy at all. "Devin?" I said happily.

        "I'm only here to pick up some things I forgot here. I'm not here to see or please you in any shape or form. So you can just let me in so I can get out of this hell hole as soon as possible." He said with so much disgust towards me causing me to flinch at his harsh words.

        "Devin, why're such an asshole now?! I was so devoted to you, I really thought you and I would last forever." I grabbed his hand and entwining them with mine. "I miss you Devin, so much. Everyday I wake up with no motivation, I wake up feeling like shit every single morning and day."

        "Stop, I am not going to want you back Adrianna. Trust me, I've already found someone in my life who is stronger, brave, intelligent, independent, and absolutely gorgeous, and I love her so much."  he said with so much emotion in his voice.

        Wow, he really moved on. Fast.

        "I guess it's really over . . . " I whispered. 

        "It's been over the day I ended things." He spat and walked upstairs, I followed him upstairs to see what he forgot to get. 

        He walked into our room, or use to be our room. He walked towards my drawers and started rummaging through it and threw my clothes on the ground till he stopped. "Where's my lucky -"  he stopped and looked at my chest, I was wearing his shirt. I quickly put my hands around my waist, and backed up.

        "No, it is mine." 

        "Adrianna, give it to me, please." he spoke with sincerity in his voice. 

        "You're real funny Devin, no." I said to him.

        "Adrianna." he said in all seriousness. 

        "Let me reiterate myself for you, no." 

        "I guess I'll just have to force it off you," he spoke while walking closer towards me. 

        "D-Devin." my eyes had widened. Devin had now pinned my against the wall causing me to gasp in shock. He set his hands around my waist and pulled me closer, I didn't hesitate. I instantly wrapped my arms around his shoulders. 

        His arms went under my shirt and he pulled in over my head leaving me there exposed in my black laced bra. "Devin," I moaned. 

        He stopped, "Still as weak as always. Not surprising." 

        He pulled away. "Devin!" I yelled. He turned around waiting for me to say what I had to say. "I'll get you back, watch me. I'll make you want me back so badly you'll be begging on your knees." I spoke with so much confidence. 

        "We'll see about that," Devin chuckled before walking downstairs and slamming my door causing me to jump in fright. I was standing here shirtless, I let that bastard take MY shirt. 

        I groaned and walked to pick up my clothes that he had thrown on the ground. I grabbed a new shirt and threw it over my head. I was going to definitely get Devin back.


                I had gotten up at 5:30 am since my first day of work started at 6, I got into my car and started the engine and drove to work.

        Once I reached my destination I walked up to the door. The door read 'Diamond Enterprise' my eyebrows raised, I let out a long sigh and walked inside. I walked up to the lady sitting in the front desk with red hair. "Hello Miss, how may I help you?" she gave me a warm smile.

         "Yes, today is my first day here, and I am looking for my boss," I gave her a warm smile back.

        "Ah, I see. Mr. Greene. I'll tell him you're here," she picked up her phone and dialed some numbers on the telephone. "Hello? Yes Mr.Greene your assistant is here." she spoke. "Mhm, okay." she said and put the phone down.

        "You may go in, 8th floor room 9A it will be on the right," I nodded and gave her a small thank you before walking towards the elevator. 

        As I reached the 9th floor there were many women here working and frantically walking around with their heels clicking on the marble floor. I sighed and walked down the hallway, many girls gave me weird looks as I walked down the hallway. I turned to the right and spotted a man and a women talking. She was gorgeous, I could already tell just from looking at the back of her. 

        I gently knocked on the side of the door causing both of them to turn my way. I gasped when I saw my boss's face. It was Vain, as in Vain Greene.

        I saw him smirking at me. The blonde looked at me then turned her attention back to Vain. "Babe, can you please get this for me?" Vain didn't turn his attention towards her at all, he kept his eyes at me. 

        I cleared my throat breaking our eye contact. "Hi Mr. Greene, I'm um your new assistant." I said with confidence in my voice. 

        "Eliza, leave. I will have this discussion with you later," Vain said in a harsh voice causing Eliza to jump and leave in annoyance. Once she had left, Vain walked closer to me with his smirk. "Look who came back," he chuckled, his chuckled made me melt. 

        I laughed at his little comment. "Excuse me? I'm here for a job, I'm here to work. Why the hell would I be here for you?" I laughed.

        "You planning to get fired today?" he asked me.

        I cleared my throat. "Sorry, sir." 

        "Good girl," he smiled at me. 

        He was fucking treating me like some kind of tool. I silently scowled to myself, his attitude was annoying the hell out of me. "There is your desk," Vain pointed to the left side of his office, "And if I need you to do something you do it for me, if I need you to cancel my meeting you cancel it with no questions, got it?" I nodded quickly. "Can you type fast?" 

        "Yes, I can typ-" he cut me off.

        "I don't care, all you need to say is yes." he said sternly.

        "Yes," now he was really pissing me off. 

        "Good, now I need you to fill out these papers for me by 5, okay?" he said.

        "Yes, and I have a question for you," I was curious. "I thought your company was owned in New York," 

        He chuckled, "I'm everywhere, babe. Considering I'm the most famous business owner. Now get to work, type those up and print 30 of those. Got it?" 

        I didn't say anything. "I said, got it?" he said more harsher. 

        I nodded in response and went to my desk and started typing away. 


        As I printed the last packet I had typed up I stapled them all together and walked to Vain's office and handed him the papers. 

        He was on the phone with someone. He was looking through them, I waited for him to get off the phone and say something. He put the phone down and started skimming through the packet. "This is horribly typed." he spat.

        "What are you talking about?! I used the correct form of typing, they're supposed to be typed that way, I copied every word you told me too. I am not re-typing them." I shot back at him.

        He stood up from his desk and lowered his face towards mine. He was so close I could smell his breath, it smelled like mint. "Not one of my assistants have talked back, but you. You're feisty one aren't you?" 

        "No, I've just learn from my mistakes. You obviously haven't." I scoffed crossing my arms over my chest causing my breast prop up a bit.

        His eyes raked my body. "You look fat," he told me so nonchalantly. 

        I gasped and was about to slap him when he grabbed my wrist "I know when those are coming, don't even try to attempt one on me." he whispered in my ear. 

        He was so close to me. He pushed his body close to mine causing me to shiver in delight. I haven't felt this sensation with someone in a long time. He traced soft yet little kisses on my neck causing me to moan very slightly.

        No, I cannot let him take over me. I shoved him back and fixed my outfit and hair. "I'm not one of your whores. Go for one of your whores, I'm pretty sure I have heels higher than all of their standards combined, and I'm pretty sure I have heels longer than your dick." I said smiling sweetly at him and walked out leaving him there shocked. 

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