~Chapter 1~

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The first snow of the season had come to the Village of Dreams. Children frolicked in the streets, snow balls were thrown, and people young and old skated around on the ice.
The bakery in the heart of town had everyone pouring in to devour the warm pastries and chug warm, creamy beverages. The old baker, Relda, was whistling commands unto her apprentices and bidding the customers bright, warm welcomes. It was a buzzing place, one of warmth and laughter. However, one of Relda's apprentices was getting anxious. It was about time for her to go, but Relda didn't acknowledge that. She kept insisting orders upon her.
"Faedowyn dear! More bread rolls from the back!"
"On it ma'am!"
After another good forty-five minutes Faedowyn was at last permitted her leave, she felt bad for Relda, leaving her with tons of customers and only one other apprentice. It was in her contract however, so she truly had still worked overtime. That soothed her conscience.
Faedowyn exited out the back door and braced the chill of the outdoor world. She walked a little ways through the paths until she reached a good take off point, then, jumping into the air, she alighted, beating her arms. Her cloak caught the breeze and she soared towards an unsuspecting mountain nearby.
She landed near the top and jogged further up. Soon, she came across an outcropping, a geyser. She spotted another figure. A young man in a blue cloak, sitting at the edge of the cave-area, staring out into the world. Faedowyn sat down beside him.
"Great timing," said the young man, extremely sarcastically.
"Yeah, sorry about that," Faedowyn said, "Relda kept me late."
"Its alright this time, but I might have to write a complaint to Relda, show her some common courtesy," he said, again sarcastically. Faedowyn laughed, he loved to hear her laugh, it reminded him of his late sister's. Though the memory was sad, he still looked upon it fondly. It had been long enough after all.
The snow continued to fall and they sat there confabulating and enjoying the beauty of the sky and the citadel beyond.
"Hey Erherderohn," Faedowyn said to the young man with a minor questioning tone.
"Have you heard what happened to Isle?"
"With the fires? Yeah, I heard, I'm a bit worried I must say."
"I have a feeling Prairie will be attacked soon, then Forest, and then. . ."
They both sighed. The village was their home. It had been for almost their entire lives. Erherderohn had lived in Prairie when he was really little, but, for the most part, grew up in The Village of Dreams. Erherderohn became Faedowyn's neighbor and they were fast friends, now more than friends.
"I simply cannot imagine this place in ruin," Faedowyn said, resting her head in her hands.
"I can't either," Erherderohn said, looking out towards the citadel. Quiet was resumed. The snow kept falling and the soft hum of the breeze continued.
"Faedowyn," Erherderohn said, "Would you be interested in marrying me?" he held up a simple, yet lovely ring in front of Faedowyn.
Faedowyn was shook. Extremely shook. This was the most arbitrary thing he possibly could have said. So abrupt, so intense. The spontaneity! Is he really proposing to me?!? She thought, her mind racing and her eyes looking wildly at him.
"Well? Will you marry me Faedowyn?" He asked, his eyes the most sincere they had ever been.
"I, I, Yes! What other answer could I possibly give!" Faedowyn said, wrapping her arms around his neck, and giving his cheek a gentle kiss. Erherderohn slipped the ring onto her finger and together they sat by the geyser until they had to return home for supper.

AN: I have no clue how to write proposals, apologies for the poor writing :)

A couple days ago, in Prairie, the Isle residents had appeared. It had been a lengthy and weary journey. The few survivors were directed by a couple of friendly Prairie folk.
They were taken to the "government building" where the officials would take people aside and ask them questions as to what happened and why they were there.
Housing was found for the few dividing Isle residents, and word was sent out for two representatives from each realm.
Erherderohn was one of these sent from Valley. The other being a miserly old man. Erherderohn packed a bag as he looked out the window; he hadn't had to leave Valley for business in so long, normally he was just called to an assembly in the citadel, but this affected all realms. He closed his bag and opened his door. Ahh the lovely fresh air of an early morning in the village.
"Good morning," a familiar voice whispered from his right. Erherderohn jumped and took a defensive position. He dropped the intensity seeing that it was merely Faedowyn. Erherderohn was allowed one person to come with him, other than the other representative, to act as a battery in flight. One could only fly so far before their winged light needed replenishing. Naturally, he chose Faedowyn.
"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Erherderohn said.
"Many apologies, oh most in flinching mong of good deeds," Faedowyn said sarcastically, "Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah, let's meet up with Chauncie and his nephew." They walked over to the entrance to Villiage of Dreams spotting Chauncie, the sour old man, and his nephew who couldn't have been more than 20.
"We'll look who decided to show up!" Chauncie chastised. "Come on, we must away." Chauncie snatched his nephew's hand and took flight. Gently, Erherderohn took Faedowyn's and they followed behind.
It was quite a relaxing flight, aside from Chauncie's constant criticisms and grunts, good conversation was had. Much laughing from the young people was looked down upon by Chauncie, but they did have a lovely time, considering the circumstances.

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