Off Limits

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The Ghostbusters entered the elevator. A few minutes later, the elevator cart suddenly stopped. 

"Alright Slimer!" Ray yelled. "You've had your fun! The elevator's off limits!" He then talked into his radio that was now strapped on his proton pack strap. "Egon, come in. I think we're stuck in the elevators. We need some HELP!" 

Peter looked thoughtful before walking towards the floor buttons. "Think we're stuck? We'll let's see...." He began to press random floor buttons on the panel. "Think we're stuck, think we're stuck, think we're stuck." He suddenly stopped and looked at Danny and Ray. " Ray, uh you guys... good with officially stuck in the elevators? Show of hands...." 

Danny raised his hand. He honestly didn't care whether or not if he was stuck in the elevator. "What? Slimer's out there. None of us can get slimed if we just stay put. Unless he phases through the door or the walls." 

Peter looked at Ray. "That is good logic. Can we keep this kid? I like him." 

Suddenly the elevator doors groaned as if something was trying to pry it open. 

"Here it comes!" Ray said pointing his proton pack wand at the doors. 

Danny refused to be slimed. Not today or ever. Without either of the Ghostbusters noticing, he flashed his eyes green. Hopefully once Slimer takes a good look in his eyes, he'll take off. 

"Kill it, Ray!" Peter shouted. 

The doors were opened forcefully by none other than Egon Spengler himself. 

Danny closed his eyes to turn his eyes back to normal before Egon noticed. Unfortunately, he was a few seconds too late. 

Not commenting on it, Egon said. "Need a hand?" 

Peter sighed dramatically. "You always fail me, Ray. Don't you?" 

Ray shrugs. 

They ran back to the main lobby and see Slimer and a bunch of bellhop ghosts. 

Ray shot a proton stream on one of the bellhop ghosts. "Never mind Onionhead for now. The ghost with the red cap if fighting hard to hold stasis!"  

Peter shrugged before following Ray. "Come on!" He spoke. "He's a New York bellhop! Just tip him, will ya?" 

Egon and Danny began to shoot at the ghosts. Both of them quickly pulled out their traps. Danny realized how hard it was to use the trap. With the Fenton Thermos, he could at least move it to the direction the ghost was trying to escape. With the trap, Danny had to throw it on the ground in order to trap the ghost. If the ghost managed to escape, Danny would have to pick it up on the ground and put it back on the ground for the trap to work. No wonder Egon and Ray were very interested in the Fenton Thermos. 

Once the last bellhop ghost was in the trap, Ray looked at Egon. "That convulsive PK Shockwave really stirred the nest." Then he took a good look around the lobby. "Man, this lobby is so wrecked." 

Danny looked around as well. It seemed fine to him. Sure, some of the walls were destroyed, but that was bound to happen at some point. Whether neglect or time would do it, Danny did not care. "Looks fine to me." 

"Can we please call Winston and tell him his night off has officially ended?" Peter said. 

Danny's ghost sense went off just as more ghosts arrived on the scene. 

"More of them!" Ray shouted. 

As if Ray scared them, Slimer and the bellhop ghosts spilt up and flee the lobby. The bellhop ghosts flew towards the elevators and Slimer flew in the hallway to the right. 

"They've split up!" Ray shouted once more. 

"Ray! Follow me!" Egon shouted. "The others are floating upstairs. Venkman, you two pull our friend Slimer into the trap as fast as you can. There's a massive bulge in these spikes indicating this isn't just some routine clearing job." 

Peter shook his head as he and Danny ran towards the hallway where Slimer flew through. "He gets so bossy when he hadn't had his nap." As they ran, Danny could smell something good coming from somewhere. "Hey now... is that honey glazed ham.... and prime rib?" 

"How can you tell?" Danny asked. Peter shrugged. 

"It's a talent." Peter said. Then he pointed at the double doors, where the manager was currently standing in front of. "The Alhambra Ballroom. No way he could pass that up." 

The manager spotted them. Somehow, he knew what they were up too. "Absolutely not! You can't go in; the Rodriguez Bar Mitzvah is set to start in half an hour." The manager tapped his watch on his wrist. 

"I'll bet the beef brisket is today's special." 

"... and you've done quite enough already. I'm sure the... thing will go away." 

"Ghosts don't like to be called things, sir." Danny said. "Not unless you really want something bad to happen to you." 

"And how would you know?" The manager asked. 

"Take it from someone who is from the most haunted town in the United States." 

They hear sounds from the ballroom. 

The manager continued to stop Peter and Danny from entering the ballroom. "I... I'm willing to risk it. You're not going in there." 

"Sure. And you'll end up being sued by the guests or we end up being called here again." Danny shrugged. 

"That's all we needed to hear." Peter agreed with Danny. "Alright, we're out! Coffee time everybody! Service has been declined beyond this point." 

He and Danny then ran out of the hallway. 

"Sounds like the Alhambra's off limits." Egon said from the radio on Danny's proton pack strap. 

"The shnutz you say." Peter said angrily. "Nobody slimes Pete Venkman twice and get away with it." 

"Careful, Peter." Egon said through the radio. "Remember the Ellis Island incident?" 

Danny didn't know what Egon meant and if the other Ghostbusters wanted him to know, they would have told him. 

Danny could hear the manager say, "This is terrible!" 

You were the one who didn't want us going in there. Danny thought. Now you are going to have to deal with it. 

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