A sudden betrayal

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Helena couldn't believe her eyes, how could Asra do this? She thought Asra and Julian were finally friends again.

The gavel bangs once more, "Court is augured!" the man on the pedestal tells the crowd. As the rest of the crowd stands up and exits the colosseum, Helena runs over to Asra and slaps him, "How could you?! I thought you and Julian made amends and now you're what -- betraying him?!" Helena screams at him, "W-wait, let me explain-" Asra tries to calm her so that he could explain himself, but in a fit of rage, Helena storms off. "Helena, please wait!" Asra called out, running after her.

Helena runs over to Portia and pulls her into a tight hug, "We need to go. Now!", "Wait, why?" Portia asks, "Asra just gave away our secret! He knows where Julian is!" Helena cried, Portia looked shocked, "R-really?!" she gasped, Helena nodded, "But I thought no one would recognize me!" Julian spoke, "They don't yet since you're disguised, but we need to get you out of here before they do!" Helena spoke, grabbing Julian's arm and calmly walking to the entrance, as to not further suspicion. 

"Hey, that's Doctor Devorak there!" the female guard from earlier shouts, pointing to him, "Yeah, and he's wearing a wig to disguise himself!" the male guard shouts, the female guard sighs, "Yes, thank you for pointing that out, Alexander.", as Julian, Portia, and Helena picked up the pace the female guard shouts, "Don't let them get away! Bring the doctor to the chamber and bring the other two in for questioning!", "You two go, I'll hold off the guards!" Portia shouts, "But Pasha-" Julian starts, worried for Portia's safety, "No buts, Ilya, now go! I'll find a way to slip past the guards, I promise!" Portia yells, tears in her eyes. Julian thinks about it for a second and scoops Helena up into his arms and looks as he runs from the colosseum. The guards capture Portia and Julian stops in his tracks to see her one last time, Portia smiles at Julian as he smiles back, then he turns back and runs off.

"You're coming with us!" The male guard shouts, grabbing Portia's arm, "Oh, buzz off! I can go to the chamber myself." Portia speaks in an annoyed tone. As Portia and the guards walk to the chamber, a figure runs past them, Portia looks back to see who it is, "Asra?" she asks herself.

Julian runs into the shop as he sets Helena on the desk. But just before he can look out the door to see if anybody followed them, he bumps into Asra. "It was you who ratted me out, huh?! Now my little sister's in jail because of you!" Julian shouts, Asra quickly escapes from Julian before running into Helena. "Helena! Please just let me explain-" Asra begs before Helena walks up to him and pushing him against the wall, "I'll hold him while you stab him." Helena says, Julian nods and grabs a knife from his coat pocket, "N-now hang on, you two!" Asra yelped, his heart beating against his chest. "B-before you kill me you should just know that I never meant to hurt you two!" Asra swore, "Like hell you did!" Helena shouts, punching him in the stomach before backing away and looking smugly, Asra fell to his knees, clutching his stomach, "O-okay, that's fair..." Asra winced.

Julian grabbed a handful of Asra's hair and balled his hand into a fist, "And this is for making Pasha cry!" Julian shouted, ready to punch him, "Just let me explain!" Asra cried, "Wait, Julain...let's hear him out." Helena said in a calm voice as Julian nodded and put his fist down. "Thank you. Now I want you two to know I didn't say that on purpose." Asra said, "Oh, really? Because that's not how I heard it. Did you hear it differently, Julian?" Helena huffed, crossing her arms, Julian shook his head and narrowed his eyes.

"You two have every right to be mad at me. It was a stupid thing to do, I know. But please, Helena...I did this for us." Asra said, smiling softly at her, "For us?! Betraying Julian was only for the sake of us?!" Helena asked, visibly upset. "Okay, maybe that didn't come out too good -- but look, what I'm trying to say is...I only wanted to protect you!" Asra cried, "Protect me...by giving away Julian's location? That doesn't sound like protection to me. In fact, that sounds like it'd get you in trouble too." Helena says, rolling her eyes.

"Say, where is Portia at now? I'm sure she'd have something to say about this." Helena asked, "Well, if they found out she's working for the countess...maybe that's where they took her." Julian remarked, "Then let's go see the countess!" Helena said with a glint in her eye, "Asra, you're coming to, understood?" Helena said, turning to him, "Fine by me." Asra agreed.

Julian Devorak x Helena BelleroseWhere stories live. Discover now