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When Taehyun was thirteen years old, his mother disappeared. His brother didn't recall that their mom had been wearing a headband that day, but Taehyun did. It made him curious not knowing what color it was. The only colors he could see were the ones embedded in black, white, and grey so even if someone told him, he wouldn't be able to tell what it looked like.

"Mom!" he called out. "The headband! What color is it?"

Taehyun could see his mother mouthing the word, but he still couldn't make out what she was saying. Her face slowly became blurry. Taehyun tried to focus on her face, her lips, her eyes. Suddenly, he couldn't see her anymore and he felt himself being submerged underwater. He struggled to breathe as he reached out for his mother's shadow.


Taehyun jerked awake. His skin was clammy with sweat. He was in his room, safely in bed. Taehyun glanced at his hand, as if it would change the grey he had so gotten used to. Once he was calm, he threw off his blanket and walked downstairs.

His older brother was asleep on the couch, exhausted from his day at work. Taehyun sat down near the end of the couch and turned on the TV. The news anchor was speaking about a recent murder case. Taehyun listened carefully as he set the remote on the table.

"A Probe in her early thirties was kidnapped by a Mono in his late forties."

People with monochromatic vision, those who see the world in only shades of grey, were called Monos. They're different from those who have total color blindness. The cells in their eyes are in perfect condition, but their brains can't distinguish the colors. They're able to see colors if they look at the face of a certain person. And that person, who opens up a world of colors, is known as a Probe.

It's rare for a Mono and a Probe to meet. Some Monos never even get the chance to meet their Probe.

Taehyun had heard so many rumors about Monos seeing color and how they become obsessed with their Probes, terrified of losing their ability to see colors.

It was for the best that Monos and Probes never met one another.

Taehyun watched as there were clips of the crime scene and the Mono crying as he was realizing what he had done. There were pictures shown of his victim-- his Probe.

Suddenly, the TV was turned off. Yeonjun was awake.

"You shouldn't watch that," he said.

As the older went to grab a bottle of water, Taehyun noticed a file on the coffee table and read the paper inside it.

Application for High School Transfer Admission.

"I'm transferring again?"

Yeonjun nodded.

Taehyun sighed. He had gotten into a fight at his old school because he had been made fun of for being a Mono, so he was transferring schools... again. He hurriedly put the file away and went to the kitchen to cook some ramen, something he did with his brother if they were both awake late at night. The two ate and talked together for a while longer.

"You should go back to bed," Yeonjun said, yawning as he brushed back his hair. "We'll be busy for a little while getting you settled at school."

Taehyun nodded, said goodnight, and returned to his room. Ever since their dad passed away, Yeonjun had done his best to take care of him, even if they were only half-brothers.

Taehyun stared at the ceiling, his mind floating back to his mother's headband.

What color was it?

COLOR RUSH || TAEGYUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant