The gunmen approach the tree, scanning the area around him, then be look up to find the Black panther stalking from above. Y/n runs around from the tree, and releases a breath of cold air, which freezes the gunman in place. T'challa then jumps down and takes out the remaining two.

Y/n: "I got a name!"

T'challa: "well?"

Big chill: "Big Chill! Now, I have an idea, that'll scare the socks off these guys!"

T'challa: "go on"


militant leader: "Come in! Come in!"

Suddenly, a militant's body is hurled into the side of the pickup truck as the other militants look on in horror. Then gunner and all of the other men in the convoy blindly open fire into the trees. T'challa then emerges from behind them, flipping into the truck bed and slashing clean through the base of them, as the the gunner was frozen solid by a quick breath from y/n.

behind an unconscious militant, a woman by the name of Nakia picks up the man's Rifle, and quickly disassembles it, and sneacl behind another militant. Using the barrel like a combat stick, smacks him on the back of his head, knocking him out cold. She leaps onto a second militant, easily taking him down by striking him in the throat.

Thanks to the darkness, four men weren't able to see T'challa approach them. With a single blow, T'challa knocks two out cold, as y/n freezes the remaining two. When y/n spots a Young Militant firing at T'challa, he quickly flew over, and froze the young militant's feet to the ground, before yanking the gun out of his hands, and froze it, then broke it over his knee.

Big chill: "slow your roll there pal, this one's just a kid. Probably not much older than I am"

Nakia: "thank you weird moth creature"

Y/n looks at Nakia for a moment, before shrugging, and turns to T'challa, who was frozen in place. This makes y/n let out a little chuckle.

T'challa: "Nakia… I- I wanted to-"

Militant: "Hey!"

The three turn, only to find Militant holding a captive woman at gunpoint.

Militant: "I have her! Don't move, I will shoot! I will shoot her right now!

Y/n with an angered expression, flys forward, blocks the barrel of the gun with his hand before the militant could shoot the woman. Y/n winces in pain, but then yanks the gun from the man, and threw it on the ground, before sending a rather long breath of freezing air onto him. Once done, y/n returns to human, and turns to T'challa.

Y/n: "you froze"

T'challa: "you won't let that go. Will you?"

Y/n: "not a chance"

T'Challa sighs, then removes his helmet, then turned to face Nakia.

Nakia: "Why are you here? you ruinen my mission!"

T'challa: "My father is dead, Nakia. I will be crowned King tomorrow, and I wish for you to be there"

Nakia looks at T'Challa deeply. Then turns, catching eyes with one of the nigerian captives as they began to move from around the truck.

Nakia: "Carry yourselves home now, and take the boy. Get him to his people"

Woman: "Thank you"

T'challa, Nakia, and y/n all walk into the treeline, right too the ship, which had both Okoye and zed walking off.

Okoye: "seem like you don't need out help. Did he freeze?"

Y/n: "like a deer in headlights"

The all regroup on the ship, with zed and y/n seating where they were before. Zed climbs onto y/n's lap, as the boy began to pet her.

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