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Heather and Alejandro walked through the mall to their favoured consumer store. They were doing their monthly grocery shopping. When they arrived, Alejandro went to the trolley station to grab a shopping cart. 

     As he got there and was about to get one, a blonde girl took a cart out for him. 

     "Here, you can have this one," she said, with a bright smile. 

     "Gracias, chica," Alejandro responded, sounding as polite as possible.

     "No problem. Oh and just saying, you're like really hot!" she said, whilst blushing.

     "Gracias... again, chica. You look nice too," he replied. He hated having to deal with girls, and sometimes guys, drooling over him and constantly complimenting him. But one thing he did like about these interactions was Heather's response. 

     When he walked back to where Heather was waiting, he immediately saw her glaring at him with her arms on her hips and wearing an annoyed face. "Why the long face mi amor," he said, knowing where this was going.

     "Why do you always do that?" she asked

     "Do what?" he said, playing dumb

     "You know... complementing other girls and letting them stare and drool over you?"

     "Aww, is somebody jelly," he chuckled when Heather blushed.

     "I am not jealous. I'm just trying to emphasise that I am your girlfriend. Not any of these bitches!" she said, before turning on her heels. "Ugh, let's just go shopping already."

     After that they made their way to a clothing store, Heather's favourite one, so she could spot an outfit for an upcoming party. She was also trying to think of a way to get back at Alejandro after what he did earlier. Then she thought of something.

     She found a shop assistant, specifically a good-looking and asked him, "Could you help me pick out an outfit?" The man didn't oblige and followed her to the casual wear section, with Alejandro closely behind, not letting his guard down.

     When they arrived she asked, in the most flirtatious way possible, "which shorts would look the hottest for me?" 

     "I think this one would look very hot on you," he said, pointing to a black pair of short shorts. Alejandro tensed a bit throughout the assistant's statement, slowly starting to get frustrated. Heather noticed this and tried to capitalise on it

     "Why so?" she asked the assistant.

     "Well you are very lean and fit and I think they hug your cur-"

     "I'm sorry but could you please step aside, sir. I think we don't need your help or opinion anymore!" Alejandro interrupted, pushing and shooing the assistant away. Heather knew at this stage, she had won.

     "What was all that about?" she asked in the same dumb way Alejandro did earlier.

     "I just couldn't stand that guy. I mean, I'm your boyfriend, I should be the one assisting you and giving you my opinion on your choices.

     "That sounds all too familiar. Sounds like someone was jelly!" she said, and then burst into a fit of laughter. Alejandro then realised what Heather had been playing and his gaped mouth became a smile and then a chuckle.

     "Fairplay, mi amor." he said once he had finished laughing. "Come on, let's finish this shopping and stop by a restaurant. Maybe we could get jelly for two." He snickered.

     "Shut up. You were way more jealous than I was so you get the jelly!" she said, truimphantly with a grin on her face.

     "Whatever you say, Heather."


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