Start from the beginning

Wade: but Bucky??????

Y/n: i didn't even know til now

Y/n: and I'm sorry for throwing you under the bus

Wade: eh who cares

Thor joined

Wade cleared the chat

Thor: why did you clear the chat?

Wade: y/n was showing something inappropriate

Thor:..... moving on


y/n: why are you measuring your height in Cheetos?

Thor: because we're out of Doritos

Y/n: thor, honey, WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK

thor: oh and Steve keeps on shouting "i can't log in" "i need to tell them"

Y/n: oh lord

Y/n invited Steve




Y/n: why isn't he joining

Thor was disconnected

Wade: no idea and revenge is sweet

Y/n: now thor thinks I'm a whore

Clint joined

Y/n cleared the chat

Clint: why did you

Clint: idc

Y/n: ok then

Clint: oh and thor told everyone that you were showing wade your secret Taylor Swift fan account

Y/n: how is that inappropriate?

Clint: i never said it was? Y/n are you ok?

Y/n: yes I'm fine

Wade: she's fine, totally fine

Wanda joined

Wanda: sam called me a pedo

Clint: that little shit

Clint left

Y/n: and how are you a pedo?

Wanda: sam said because i was married to a 3 year old

Y/n: ...

Wanda: omg

Y/n: that little shit

Wanda was disconnected

Wade: i saw her smashing her phone

Y/n: oh god

Y/n invited F.R.I.D.A.Y

F.R.I.D.A.Y joined

Y/n: Friday can you order a new phone for wanda thank you

F.R.I.D.A.Y : ofc miss l/n

F.R.I.D.A.Y left

Natasha joined

Wade got disconnected

Natasha: y/n Steve wants to tell you something

Y/n: yea?

Natasha: he said he wants to tell you himself

Y/n: ok

Natasha left

Y/n invited Steve










Stsve joined

Y/n: mostly everyone said you wanted to tell me something

Steve: oh yes

Steve: dinner's ready

Y/n: that's all?

Steve: yup

Steve left

Y/n: oh dear lord

Y/n left

Chatroom ended

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