chapter 2 show time!

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miko enterd the theatre looking around confused but also curious, how come she never saw this before?

phoebe smiled and tapped miko shoulder from behind which made miko tern around "hello little one welcome to balan theatre " she bowed as miko smiled

miko "hi im miko whats your name and how did this theatre get here?"

phoebe chulked "im phoebe and lets just say that this theatre is a special one, now follow me the shows about to start" she smiled as she opened two duple doors to enter a small theatre room with chairs and tables and there were some Tim's on the chairs chirping happily. miko was amazed at how many Tim's there were plus they were very cute.
phoebe helped miko into her seat and when miko went to thank her she was gone which made her shocked. soon the lights got turned off and the lights shined at the curtains as balan and phoebe opened the curtains and started the show.

miko was more that amazed as the show was like no other the action the lights everything! After the show had ended miko stood up and clapped happily "that was amazing!" she smiled happily

balan smiled "aww thanks" he smiled as phoebe smiled nodded as balan smiled patting mikos head

miko "so what are you?" she asked balan

phoebe chulked "he's a living hat to say the least" miko chulked at that and even balan chulked as well

balan "Well kinda but I'm also know as a maestro as well but you can also just call me balan as well"

miko nodded "okay also that show really cheered me up thanks again" she smiled

the two smiled "no problem"

miko smiled and suddenly reamber that the bots will be back by now "Well I have to go now see ya!" she left the theatre.

at the autbots base....

the autbots were woundering where woundering where miko was and just then miko came into the base smiling happily.

arcee "whats go you so happy?" she smiled

miko "oh only the best theatre ever!"

raf "theatre? but there is no theatre in jasper"

miko "Well there was and it was amazing! there where these little birds things and a guy called balan but he isn't human and his assistant phoebe and boy did they put on an amazing show!"

Jack looked at miko "are you sure you didn't get hit in head miko?"

miko glard at jack "im telling you it's real I....I left Mt phone there! we can go there to go get it then you you will see it for yourself!"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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