Chapter 203 Deluxe Edition Dating

Start from the beginning

"Strawberry music can't be found!"

"Do you still let single dogs spend this Valentine's Day? But the song is really nice!"

"It's Cantonese again, soothe the nerves. This is the rhythm of entering Huatai and Huagang."

"Xuanxuan's voice is nice, I love it."

"Wall Crack Recommendation! Wall Crack Requirement is now online!"

"You're still sending flowers and watching movies on Valentine's Day? It's so weak! Check out the high-level show of Anshen."

"Okay, I'm sour... It's just a textbook level of flirting skills. A love sentence is more numb than a love letter... But, I like it!"

"Have you lost your studies? My future boyfriends."

In addition to the hot comments, there are also enthusiastic fans. After listening to the music in the video repeatedly, they wrote the score by hand, then added some of their own ideas, made a decent accompaniment, and posted it on the Internet .

"I can only help you here."

For a time young men and women download the accompaniment and arrange the lyrics.

after an hour,

A large number of Internet celebrity singers have appeared on major short video platforms.

Among them, one of the live broadcasters of Shark Live is a singer named 'Doudouya'. She is a fan of Chen Ping'an and Wu Zixuan.

She didn't have a live broadcast that day and was going to take a day off.

Then I learned that Chen Ping'an and Wu Zixuan were going to live in the same frame, so they entered Wu Zixuan's live broadcast room.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ping'an sang the new song "I Need You in Minutes" at the beginning. When Chen Ping'an sang it for the first time, she was completely attracted by this song and liked it so much.

So I listened to it repeatedly, and wrote the score by hand.

Then I couldn't wait to play and sing, and learned several times. Feeling that it was almost the same, she recorded a video of playing and singing and sent it to 'Strawberry Short Video'.

After posting it, she completely ignored it and continued to watch the live broadcast of Chen Ping'an and Wu Zixuan.

After Chen Ping'an and Wu Zixuan's live broadcast ended,

"It's Doudouya" picked up the phone and was instantly stunned!

She saw the full screen of attention and private messages!

"Doudouya, your voice is getting better and better."

"What song is this? Why haven't you heard it before?"

"I just searched and didn't see it."

"This is a song written by Anshen for Xuanxuan! It's a new song! It hasn't been released online yet... It's already been a big hit on Weibo."

"I just listened to Xuanxuan's version, um, and now I find that Doudouya's version is also very good, so let's pay attention."

Doudou glanced at the number of comments, and it actually reached 50,000! The number of fans has soared from the previous 30,000 to 100,000!

Moreover, this video was officially marked as a high-quality video by Strawberry and was pushed to a larger traffic pool.

"Oh my God!" Doudou couldn't believe it, "Is this because I have successfully rubbed off on the flow of tranquility?"

From the variety show began to become popular all over the world (MTL) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now