Ruby had asked him again and again about who was his protégé but he stubbornly refused to answer (much to her disappointment). Everyone else was curious about him but each time they wanted to know more about him, he dismissed them with a shrug and a growl if they insisted too much for his liking. Another he grew to dislike was their Dog Zwei. He was annoying as the stupid animal seemed to always wanting to play but after a deep growl, the dog left him alone , much to his relief.

Smaug sighed as he eyed the wooden cabin at his left side

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Smaug sighed as he eyed the wooden cabin at his left side. He was hidden by some trees so if the residents had visits, they would see him... completely. At the same time inside the cabin, everyone were gathered in the living room. The center of the room was dominated by a light green rug, with a green couch and matching chair along with a wooden coffee table centered in the rug.

Between the couch and chair was an end table with a lamp on it while at the other end of the couch was Zwei's (the family dog) dog bed. At the end of the rug was a wooden TV with a holographic projector lying on its top and a potted plant at each side. On the wall behind the TV stand was a doorway leading to the kitchen, a large portrait showing a night scene, and a shelving unit containing many books.

To the left side of the couch was a large fireplace made of bricks with small pictures on the mantle and a large landscape featured above the grate. To its right side was a staircase leading upstairs, with the door to a cabinet and a pair of small landscape pictures underneath. A low bookshelf and another green rug laid along the wall at the end of the staircase, topped by another lamp. A trio of landscapes was vertically stacked on the wall at the bottom of the stairs.

Ruby and Yang were sitting on the couch as before them , their friends and allies gathered formed a demi-circle around the three

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Ruby and Yang were sitting on the couch as before them , their friends and allies gathered formed a demi-circle around the three. Pyrrha and Jaune were pressed against the fire-place which was not burning (thankfully) , Nora and Ren were sitting on the rug, Weiss was petting Zwei's ears (much to the dog's content) while Blake had her back pressed against the staircase. Taiyang had decided to left them be as he went to do whatever he wanted.

The air was thick as nothing could be heard except the barks of pleasure coming from Zwei as he was receiving a lot of affection from a certain heiress. Pyrrha then coughed loudly to get their attention back to what they were talking about : Smaug. Weiss blushed when everyone stared at her with amusement and Zwei letted out a whimper as the scratches stopped.

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