My Girl

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Tommy POV chapter:( Spicy)
I opened the doors of Bailey Manor, and slowly creep up to Alice, who was singing in front the fireplace, her voice sounding like an angel. I rest my head onto her shoulder, making her jump slightly, but a smile beaming onto her face when she saw it was me.

"They think I am a bad guy" wrapping my hands around her waist as I spoke, for the words that I said were true.

"Your my bad guy Shelby" she smirks, making a chuckle escape my mouth. "You're a bad girl Alice, come to daddy" I joke, picking her up, Alice wrapping her legs around my waist, kissing the top of my head.

"I can't wait for our wedding" she says, cupping my face into her small hands, making me gain butterflies in my stomach."Remember what I said" she nodded her head, smashing her smooth lips onto mine, working in perfect sync.

"Taking about my girl" was last last words I said before we started to kiss passionately and wildly, making our way to our bedroom as we did so. As soon as the door shut, I slammed her onto the wall, pulling off her clothes as she unbuckled my belt, moaning loudly in the process. She looked so perfect standing there in my American apparel underwear I thought, as I stated to kiss her up and down, her moans getting louder and louder as the time went passed.

(Again y'all know what they did)

"My father is paying a visit, he demands to speak to you, he knows" I hear the terror in her voice, making me pull her close to my chest, comforting her like I'd usually did.

"Listen to me, he ain't gonna steal you from me, we're for keeps" this made her more optimistic about marrying me, and I could not wait one bit.

"I love you Tommy" she says, pulling me in and kissing me passionately, pulling on the bed sheets as she climbed onto my lap, making me moan loud. Fuck the maids, I am allowed to have fun time after time.


Alice swept the legs of her father over an over, punching him till he was knocked out. She hated the bones off of him, and I could understand why, So I knew she to get revenge. I push everything of the table and pull her gently down onto it, fucking her like she's famous.

"THATS NY DAUGHTER YOU SICKO" her father shouts,making me turn to him." That's my wife to be you dumb prike" I shout back, drop kicking him off the table. He treats Alice like shit, so he deserves what he is getting.

"You treat my girl like shit, I treat her like a princess"I say, pulling on my clothes, helping Alice get up from the table. I wrapped my hands around her waist, resting my head onto my shoulder.

"Father you should leave, you are no longer welcome here, security" Alice shouts, her father being led out of the house." Have a nice life bitch" I hear him shout, making her tear up. I pulled her in close and hugged her tight,making my presence known to her.

"Wanna take this upstairs" she whispered in my ears as she jumped onto me, her legs wrapping around my waist. As soon as the bedroom door was shut, I started to pull her clothes off, letting her unbuckle my belt.

(And we know so well at this point what they did .....;)

Bad Guy- Tommy ShelbyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon