Introducing the avengers!

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Ok so, I'm just going to go over the names of everyone in the chat room so you don't get confused later :)

Tony: uknowwhoIam

Steve: star_spangled_man

Bruce: greenbeen

Thor: god_of_HAMMERS

Clint: discount_robinhood

Natasha: thighs_of_death


Peter: cinnamonrolllll

Shuri: smart_ass

Bucky: metalArmDude

Rhodey: tinCansBestFriend

Loki: godOfGreenMagic

Fury: eyePatch_guy

Carol: Captain_sparkles

Wanda: redWigglyWoos

Pietro: sonicthe_hedgehog

Vision: manToaster

Stephen: wizardMan

T'Challa: cat_man

That's all for now :)

Ps: the first chapter should be out by Wednesday :)

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