maybe I can love him.

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where you and James get caught on the road..

as I sit in the passangers seat, sunglasses down at the bottom of my nose I feel free.

finally free.

away from my shithole family.
shithole house.
shithole Town.

the only memories I want to carry with me are the ones with James.

so of course, James is with me.

he's the only thing worth living for.

he's driving a stolen car, through some random roads neither of us are familiar with just having the time of our lives.

and that's when my favourite song comes on.

alien blues.

I actually fairly relate to the song, hence why I like it so much.

I got so into the song, I didn't realise James was singing it either.

it's moments like this where maybe I can love him.

but other moments when he's the biggest dick ever.

it goes from us singing to us being pulled over?

"James and y/n." a young police officer says staring at us.

"uhm yeah?" I ask confused.

"can you come to the station with me? I have a few questions and then you can both return safely to your families." she asks.


we're in for it.

"can we get questioned together?" I ask glancing at James.

"if you come with me yes." the officer says.

"come on James." I say quietly, getting out the car and walking to the police car.

James follows me into the back of the police car as we sit side by side, my hand in his..

"are we in trouble?" I ask panicked.

"no of course not." the officer says before the car falls silent.

I must have feel asleep on the way back to the station because I'm woken up by James gently shaking me.

I open my eyes and look at him.

"let's go." he says stepping out the car and dragging me with him, before pulling me into the station.

we get questioned together and I get asked why I ran away.

"my mom." I whisper.

"you can't let me go back to that house. please!" I cry.

the room falls silent and so do I..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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