Treaty of Paris

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Treaty of Paris


- The entire east side of Libya is given to the British Empire

- The rest of Libya is annexed by the German Empire

- Italy pays heavy war reparations

- Italy accepts great war guilt

- Their colonies in the horn of Africa are given to Ethiopia

- Genoa becomes a British puppet


- All claims in Bosnia are given to Austria-Hungary

- Serbia becomes a puppet of the Russian Empire

- Serbia pays heavy war reparations

- Serbia is banned from having an airforce or a tank core. (The British made it still and gave blueprints of it to the league of empours.)

- Serbia's army is limited to 20,000

- Serbia accepts great war guilt


- Becomes a puppet of the Russian Empire

- Pays heavy war reparations

- Accepts great war guilt


- British Empire annexes Crete

- German Empire puppets the Agean islands

- Greece pay heavy war reparations

- Greece accepts great war guilt


- Algeria is annexed by the German Empire

- All colonies the French have that are apart of MittleAfrica are annexed by the German Empire

- French Indochina is divided between the West and East

- West French indochina is annexed by the British Raj

- East French Indochina is annexed by the German Empire

- Chad is annexed by British Empire

- Normandy and Brittany are given to the British Empire

- The German Empire annexes the border between France and the German Empire

- Fortifications between the German border and the French are banned

- Tanks are banned from France alongside an airforce

- France pays heavy war reparations

- Mauritania is annexed by the German Empire

- German Togo and Cameroon annex border lands with French Africa

- The rest of French Africa is occupied by the German Empire until the French pay their debts back to the German Empire

- French islands in Oceania are partitoned between the German Empire and the British Empire

- French Dibjbouti is given to Ethiopia

- French islands in the Carribean are partitioned between the German Empire and British Empire

- French Guniea is annexed by the British Empire

- The French Empire is abolished

- Corsica is puppeted by the German Empire

- The border between Belgium and France is annexed by Belgium

- France gives free resources anybody who hasn't lost anything in the peace deal

Signed by the Entente and the League of Emperors

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