#17 Valentine's day II

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Warning: swears ahead

Scenario 17

Xiao x reader

Art cr:
kinlkeyl (twitter)

Art cr:kinlkeyl (twitter)

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3rd Person POV

(Y/n) (L/n), your typical hard-workingly smart yet dumb student studying in a school called Genshin, under the secondary year, in which prior in 1 and a half year, you'll be graduating from this hell to another.

"Hey (Y/n)!" the other student in your class who's also known for their good grades, Aether, waved at you as you were just about to open the door to your classroom.

"He-" you were about to greet him back when the heavy door was swung open abruptly without warning and banged your head against the heavy metal door.

"(Y/N)!!!" the blonde exclaimed at the sight, rushing towards you. What a great day to get knock by the forehead. "OH MY GOD! DO YOU FEEL DIZZY? WE CAN GO TO THE NURSE NOW! CMON WE'LL GET YOU TREATED IN THE NURSE!!"

A figure strudded past them without even checking up on the injured, a typical hit and run case.

"Hey! Watch i-" recognising the figure that passed by them, Aether went silent as he quickly tend to you. "(Y/n) what number is this?"

"Two?" you were trying to regain yourself from the impact as you turn to see the culprit. "HEY YOU THERE!!"

Without warning, you furiously threw your dictionary in hand towards the direction of the unfamiliar figure who went pass you and Aether.

"Hey!" he scowled, getting hit by the head as he doesn't grow eyes behind the back of his head.

"BLEUGH!" you pulled Aether into the classroom. Gotta admit, the person who you threw your book to was kindda hot..... but tHE PERSONALITY.

The whole class inside was watching the pair of students swung open and quickly enter the classroom but leave personnel events to oneself as it did not matter much to them.

But only just now, the rather well-known delinquent just exited the class which was led by two deafening bangs and finally here you and Aether are. They can't help but worry about... your well-being.

"(Y/n), do you know who you just bumped into?" Kazuha questioned, his gaze flickered to your forehead. "And what's that swollen red bump doing there...?"

"One, no. Two, this is totally not fine." you tried poking the injured spot, testing to see if it hurts and luckily it's bearable.

"H-here." Aether nervously gestured you something. "We can go to the nurse instead if you want."

"I'm fine! Really!!" you accepted Aether's kindness and to your amusement, he handed you a plaster with a heart shape on it.

"I'M SORRY! IT'S AN EMBARASSING ONE BUT IT'S MY LAST ONE!" Aether apologized over and over.

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