━━ 0019

Mulai dari awal

Those were the words echoing through her mind right now

"Shin? can I talk to you for a minute?" Raiden asked the black haired guy who nodded before excusing himself from Emma and Mikey


"Why did you keep all of this?" Raiden asked and showed him the letters

"I was actually planning to give it to you... But you might get shock about this..." He said nervously

"What is it?" Raide raise a brow, annoyed how Shinichiro is acting like a coward right now

"Izana actually got into juvenile..." He sigh and scratch the back of his head

"What year is it again?" Raiden asked

"2002?"he replied unsure why she asked him a strange l question

"Oh... nevermind, does that mean Izana and my brothers are in the same juvenile?" Raiden asked to herself

"Maybe... Who knows." Shinichiro said as he shrugged his shoulders

"Big sis, Big Bro! the dinner is ready!!" Mikey said

"We're coming in a minute!" Shinichiro yelled enough for Mikey to hear


"Where have you been?" Takeomi raise a brow, he's been calling her for 2 hours but no one answered

"I'm playing with Emma and Manjiro, plus I helped Shinichiro with some household chores because his grandpa will kill him if he didn't clean up the house while he's away." She explained, the blonde haired woman is about to enter their shared bedroom but he held her wrist tightly

"With Shinichiro? What did you guys do?" he asedk and grip her wrist tightly to the point that she can't get out of his grasp anymore

"I already told you, I helped him and I played with the kids!! Now remove your hands!!" Raiden yelled at him and attempt to yank his hands away which she failed to

"Tell me the whole information." He said with a terrifying voice causing her to raise a brow

"Gosh we didn't do a shit!!" She yelled again making the male release her wrist from his grasp

But instead he held her cheeks in one hand, squishing it together

"If I ever found out that you and Shinichiro did something behind my back, you and Shinichiro will not the only one who will get hurt... That baby in your stomach too." Takeomi threatened and look straight into her violet eyes

"Are you crazy? why would I do that? I'm not a crazy person Takeomi. Unlike you,I know my limits!" Raiden said before entering the room

"You never really changed..." Haruchiyo said behind Takeomi

"You're psycho Takeomi. Why do you even care if she's cheating on you? When you clearly are the one who cheated first." Haruchiyo said and glared at his brother with his blue eyes that was full of hatred

"Do you think I wouldn't know? I saw you making out with a girl earlier that morning before big sis announce that she's pregnant with your child." Haruchiyo explained as he put on a scowl on his face

"One wrong move then you'll loose everything, Takeomi... It's possible that if she found out she'll take the child away from you... So if I were you, I wouldn't dare to lay a finger at her or else your dear brother will reveal all the secrets you've been hiding for a long time now." He said before walking pass him


"Breakfast is ready kids!!" Raiden shouted through the kitchen to inform the two kids

"Have you guys seen Takeomi?" Raiden asked the two kids who's putting some food on their plate

"I still haven't." Senju shrugged and eat

"I saw him leaving early... I heard that he'll go to his friends house." Haruchiyo said

"Do you know who?" She asked the boy

"I think it's... Alexia??" Haruchiyo shrugged his shoulders and secretly smirks to himself

"Alexia??" Raiden ask to herself and nod


"I'll see you guys after your schools!! Make sure that be a good girl and boy okay?" Raiden askef and smile, which they gladly returned.

She kissed their cheeks and hug the. tightly while they giggle at her action

"is that raiden Haitani?"

"she have kids?"

"diot, they doesn't even look like her!"

"What if they look like their father?"

"take a picture!!"

-- ◤◢ ◤◢ ◤◢ --

"How's my brothers?" She asked

"Good, they made a few friends here." He said

"You better keep na eye to them, I'll pay you double if you can do that for me too." Raiden said

"Fine, your brothers are pain in the ass by the way." The guard sighed and click his tounge

"Shut up, they aren't if you understand them." She rolled her r eyes before leaving


𝐁𝐈𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 - Haitani BrothersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang