"Creed?" Shine said.

Kurt blinked. "Why, yes.... How did you...? Nnevermind. What I am trying to say is...it may be hard for them to think you have anything to offer them."

"Wow...I did not think you'd be that pessimistic," Wally said. "You're surprising, you know."

"Wally," Shine said. "I don't know if he's going to understand what you mean by that."

"I don't mean to be pessimistic," Kurt said. "I have the same problem with humans. They mostly ignore what I say, because of my appearance."

"And I think your warning is valid," Shine said, "but would you let it stop you?"

Kurt considered. "I would feel it was my duty to try anyway. We who know God's love must share it with the world."

"Then we must, and if this is where we were sent, this is who we must try with," Shine said. "But...for that...Kurt, we have something to ask of you."

"Do you? What?" Kurt leaned forward.

"I know we just met you, but bearing in mind how many relationships in the Bible begin after just a few seconds of time to make a decision, I'll risk it anyway," Shine said. "Wally and I have been discussing it today, and we really feel we're going to need help here. The X-Men will be watching us closely for a while. If we screw up, they'll come down on us like a ton of bricks. We need help to learn about this world. Logan is supposed to help us, but he's holding out, and we're losing precious time by it. Every hour counts in a world like this one--new crisis every other week."

Kurt nodded. "I see."

"If you feel it would be God's will," Shine went on, "we...could really use someone else with our beliefs to help us...and, to be frank, a mutant one especially. We're the only regular humans here, if we are regular, which I doubt. But to them we are humans, you see. Hank already asked us about it, and so did Xavier. They don't mean any harm, but they suspect we can't be unbiased. If you could help us, they might see that we are, and that all of us are one, in this respect."

Kurt was very quiet.

Wally looked from him to Shine but wasn't sure what to say.

Finally Kurt spoke again. "I am honored you would even ask me, but if I may, even other mutants do not usually feel comfortable around me. Even the X-Men thought I was a demon at first.... This form I have, perhaps it is to humble me, but it is off-putting.... Almost everyone hates me right away.... You may have a few obstacles, being humans, but I'm sure in a short time they would see you're sincere. I don't think I could be of much help."

Wally looked sad. "Wow...man, that's so bleak."

"But, Kurt," Shine said, "it's not just that you're mutants, you have a gift, one I'm not sure we have, to be honest. Not like you do. You inspire people, even us, and you have connections to the X-Men. Perhaps you are here for just such a time as this, just like us. We may be from different times and different worlds, but what does it matter? We're united under one purpose, aren't we? Before you say no, you have to at least pray about it, please. For God's sake, if not ours."

"I will," Kurt said, "but I'm not sure it will change my answer.... You are kind to say that, but I don't think I have any particular gift. The Lord is inspiring, not me. I am just a humble vessel."

"But a willing vessel is all that matters, humble or not," Shine countered.

Kurt actually seemed to think about that.

"I will give it more consideration," he said, "and prayer. May I have a day or two to think about it?"

"You can have a week, for all I care," Shine said.

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