chapter 4: an untouchable feast

Start from the beginning

"Is that so?" Atsumu leans forward curiously. "Now pray tell, Bokkun, how do ya know that?"

"I don't know," Bokuto says candidly, and looks to Akaashi for confirmation.

"I've heard fox spirits are pretty rare," His friend supplies, shrugging.

"Yeah, we, ah, don't get out much," Atsumu smiles widely before taking another bite of onigiri. "But if it makes ya feel better, Bokkun, owl spirits are also very rare."


Atsumu nods, mouth full.

"They're real good at findin' things, too. This trial should be perfect for ya!"

Encouraged by this, Bokuto tries to scan the food for any clues. But somewhere between the shoyu ramen and pork curry, his determination falters. The katsudon's crispy breaded pork over the rice. The basket of sweet melonpan buns. The dark red of the spicy mapo tofu. Grilled corn, yakisoba bread, teriyaki chicken. Bokuto can't even bring himself to look at the yakiniku cooking over the embers. The savory smell alone is enough to tear his will into shreds. He curls into himself, wrapping his arms around his knees and bunching his wings into his sides. Maybe he could become a Bokuto-shaped lump. A lump that doesn't feel quite so incredibly hungry.

The sun is setting when the twin's insatiable hunger seems to wear off. Osamu's eyes are almost closed as he leans against the table, swaying sleepily from side to side, a half-eaten onigiri still clutched in his hand. Atsumu absently runs his fingers along the hilt of the wooden bokken at his waist, eyes heavy and distant. On the table, the candle is dripping wax in white clumps, almost completely melted.

Bokuto has given up on trying to fold himself up into nothing. His wings ache from being crowded up by his shoulders, and he is pretty sure the shape of the table has been ingrained into his forehead. Bokuto's calves have a raging case of pins and needles and his stomach is still gurgling pitifully.

He turns his head and confirms that Akaashi is only slightly better off. The boy is maining much better posture but the corner of his eyes are scrunched up slightly and his jaw is firmly set. He's sweating, under his cloak, but he scans the table furiously, hands bunched into fists.

The sky is totally orange when Akaashi finally speaks.

"I have my guess," He says.

The twins stir at this, ears flicking forwards. Bokuto sits up so fast he nearly knocks Akaashi over.

"Go ahead, Ji-kun," Atsumu leans forward. "What's your guess?"

Akaashi takes a steadying breath.

"It's the yakiniku, isn't it?" Akaashi continues before anyone has a chance to respond. "It's been sitting over the fire this whole time and yet shows no sign of burning. And earlier, when you bumped the table - it didn't move."

There is a silence that is cold and still. It lasts both two seconds and one hundred years.

"Well, look at you!" Atsumu's grinning now. "You've officially passed the first trial!"

"What?! He did?! Akaashi?! Akaashi, you did it!" Bokuto jumps to his feet, shaking Akaashi's shoulders. "How did you do that? Wait, you already said, nevermind, nevermind! AH! You did it, Akaashi! We passed the first trial!"

"Yes," Akaashi says, relief flooding over his shoulders. "We did."

Bokuto cheers for a minute more, then releases Akaashi.

The twins are bickering on the other side of the table. Bokuto walks around it to join them, and Akaashi follows on his heels.

"See! I toldja it was too easy!" Atsumu hisses. "That cat's finally lost his magic touch."

"I think ya mean 'congratulations,'" Osamu flicks his brother's forehead before turning to the other two. "Here, take somethin' to eat before ya go."

The grey fox spirit pulls two small woven baskets out from underneath the table and hands them to Bokuto.

"Yeah, take some food!" Atsumu nods like it was his idea. "Especially you, Ji-kun. You're lookin' a bit pale. Don't let Bokkun eat yer share, alright?"

"I'm not gonna do that!" Bokuto exclaims, baskets jostling dangerously in his arms. Akaashi quickly moves to take the baskets from him. "Akaashi, I swear, I wasn't gonna do that!"

"Oh, and take this," Osamu reaches across the table and grabs one of the pieces of yakiniku. As he hands it to Bokuto, the illusion melts off of it until it looks just like a painted slab of wood. "For completin' the trial. Take the path behind me until ya reach the next checkpoint."

"We will, thank you!" Bokuto beams at him, tucking the fake yakiniku into the front of his kimono.

"Yeah, of course," Osamu smiles and claps their shoulders. "Now ya better get goin'. That next trial isn't gonna pass itself."

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