27- I should follow the path

Start from the beginning

We sipped our coffees as we paused, both taking a gently taste of the drinks to test their temperatures, in the same moment a small red haired waitress with black heels tapping against the floor approached the table we shared.

"I'm so sorry... but I was just wondering if I could get your autograph. My younger sister's really like you... you're the only person they talk about." She mumbled, her entire face a strawberry red and eyes nervously watching the vibrant flower as she flushed embarrassed.

"Yeah of course." She handed me a magazine with an appreciative smile pulling almost too tightly at her lips. "You're very pretty... and I'm sure your sisters are too. Thanks for the coffee- this place is one of the best around."

"Thank you so much Miss. Petrov." She took the magazine and tip I'd slid completely indiscreetly under the cover, passing it back to her as she giggled excitedly. "I hope you have an amazing day... thank you."

And with that the short lived interaction ended, her heels tapping against the floor as they followed the same route she'd previously taken to make her way over to me and Connie.

"You never wanna admit it but you're a lot nicer than you think. Especially to people like that... you think you're heartless sometimes. But you're really kind."


"Hey... you ok ?" Nathan asked, peeling his front door back with a confidence he'd falsely painted himself with. It was weird how he didn't seem one inch nervous, considering in every other interaction we'd had his hand wouldn't rest itself for a moment.

"Yeah not too bad, you alright ?" I replied, hanging my coat besides his on the rack before following him to the sofa, noticing two glasses and a bottle of red wine sat on the coffee table.

"Yeah I'm good thanks. Thought we could have a drink, watch a film, listen to some music, whatever you fancy." He paused as his arm fell slowly around me frame sat almost too far from his on the sofa. "What's your favourite movie ?"

"What's yours firstly ?"

"Star Wars." I shook my head and rolled my eyes playfully, quickly realising he was being fairly serious.

"Mines the Aristocats... the Disney film about the little cats who are all posh-" I stopped when I saw his face screw up, no sign in his expression that told me it was one playfully or jokey.

"Really ? no offence but I'm never gonna watch that. Sorry." He scoffed, the usual nervous tone he used with ease completely empty, instead filling the air between us rather than the voice he spoke with. "Whose your favourite band then ? I suppose I've gotta get to know more about you than what the news tells me..."

"Honestly... probably Queen. I love most bands these days, but I think they've just got a special place in my heart. Have you listened to their new album ?"

"They're ok. Not the best though. Drummer's beats are too basic and I think the singer gains more attention from the press for being gay than he does for singing." Nathan continued, my eyes initially widening until they remembered the secret my 'thing' with Roger had to stay as.

"I don't mind watching whatever you want, I'm easy."

"I think we should just listen to The Police... they're good ain't they ?" He didn't give me a chance to reply as he hopped up from his seat and flicked through his records to find the one he wanted clearly so badly.

I took a glance around the room, noticing his glass had already been coated by the wine I hadn't yet registered to be within an opened bottle. I told myself initially that was what had calmed his usually too prominent nerves, and simply agreed with the terms of it for the time being.

"You want a drink ?" The needle dropped onto the record, giving him time to ask a quick question before the first track began playing.

"I'm not the biggest fan of wine... I'll pass for now. Unless you've got something else." I laughed a little, trying to ease the tenseness as he shrugged. "No worries if not, surprisingly I'm not an alcoholic."

"Im not gonna lie I thought you might of had a bit of an issue with that or something... it would explain why you're a little fuller than most of the other chicks. I mean, I mean that in the nicest way of course. But you look at some of the other girls and there's nothing to them."

"Oh right." I nodded slowly, avoiding letting my eyes meet his as I processed the words that weren't meant to hurt like they did. "Yeah I mean... I'm not like twig thin I'm afraid."

"You're still gorgeous though." He took a large gulp from his glance, placing it down gently before he decided to take an opportunity to share a glance with me I didn't want to stay in for long. He pushed my hair back gently, initially planning to cup my cheek as soft as he could with the hands that seemed only slightly too worn. "How'd you get that scar ?"

I would've told him just as I did Roger, no hesitation or thoughts of doubt behind it, but I didn't want to. I wasn't ready to share any detail of my past with him, not anything that had the relevancy or damage that single gash against my skin did. So I didn't. I didn't say a word to him involving my dad and childhood, but it seemed I let the words slip with ease to Roger.

"Accident when I was younger. Fell down the stairs."

"Oh right... I thought it would've been a little more serious than that." He laughed slightly, deciding to follow through with his initial thoughts and place a kiss almost too fast on my lips. "I was gonna ask if you wanted to go out for dinner tomorrow... you know- in public."

"I mean... I would, if I wasn't famous. The last thing I want is a dinner that the press print that's full of interruptions. And we've only had a couple of dates, I think this being between us is better off for the time being."

"But what if I asked you to be my girlfriend ? Then would things be different ?"

"They would... but that can't happen just yet. You don't know anything about me."

"Then tell me. Tell me everything about you"

And I did. I told him most things I wanted to. Only they were lies, lies about how I loved my childhood and hadn't yet fallen in love. The truth was something crawling back down my throat, burying itself deep within me to guarantee he couldn't learn it.

An- hey guys how r u doing

thanks for reading <3

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