I Love You

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I was walking to my locker and that when i saw him but he didn't see me i almost started crying i thought i was dreaming but i knew it was a dream i never wanted to wake up from i ran to him and hugged him so tight that he might of stopped breathing but i didn't care i just knew i didnt wanna let him go i kissed him hard on the lips tears running down my cheeks and he wipes then off with his thumb and smiled that was the first ime i saw him we had been dating for 8 months we texted alot and talked on kik and on the phone but this was the first time i was actually seeing him i didnt go to my second hour class or my third or fouth or fifth or sixth or seveth or eihth i left the school with him and i kept going on and on about how i was happy that was there and after a while he said

"Chris ,I'm happy to see you to"                                                                                                              Then he kissed me it was long kiss after a while his lips starts to taste like my cherry lip gloss and put his hand on my hips and pulled me close to him and pulls away and said

"I Love you so much Chris" he brushed my hair out my face                                                                 

"I love you to Dillon"

We walked back to my house and my mom and ollder sister was there Dillon and my sister had talked before but my mom didn't really know him so she so she startd asking him alot of questions
 the list was long so she wrote down all the questions and gave it to him and told him to answer them all

How old are you?

What' your name?

How long have you known Chris?

Why are you here?

The list went on for 30 questions. We went up to my room so he could answer them and my mom left to go to work. My sister had to go home becaue she had to clean up for her date tonight. So we were alone. I laid back on my bed and scrolled through my phone while he answered qestions. after a while he climbed on top of me and took my phone out of my hand and put it in his back pocket and kissed me hard

"I've been waiting for this, i don't wanna wait anymore i want you right here right now" he said



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2015 ⏰

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